Islamic topics - الصفحة 5 - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

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Islamic topics

موضوع مغلق
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قديم 2008-08-04, 19:41   رقم المشاركة : 61
معلومات العضو
أم بدر الدين
عضو برونزي
الصورة الرمزية أم بدر الدين


وسام الحفظ وسام الحفظ وسام أحسن موضوع 
إحصائية العضو


Thank you alot


قديم 2008-08-04, 21:16   رقم المشاركة : 62
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الصورة الرمزية أم بدر الدين


وسام الحفظ وسام الحفظ وسام أحسن موضوع 
إحصائية العضو


The Concept of Faith (Iman)
The Arabic word 'Iman', which we have rendered in English as faith, literally means 'to know', 'to believe' and 'to be convinced beyond the least shadow of doubt'. Faith, thus is firm belief arising out of knowledge and conviction. And the man who knows and reposes unshakable belief in the Unity of God, in His Attributes, in His Law and the Revealed Guidance, and in the Divine Code of Reward and Punishment is called 'Mu'min' (faithful).

Some people may think that man becomes a Muslim when he confesses belief in the Oneness of the True God and Muhammad as His Last Messenger. But this is far from the full meaning of Faith. The full meaning of Faith in Islam is not, by any means, something nominal or mere formality. Faith in Islam is a state of happiness acquired by virtue of position action and constructive conceptions as well as dynamic and effective measures. The Holy Qur'an and the Traditions of Muhammad define these required measures and establish the standards which build up a meaningful Faith. Thus, the true believers are:

1. Those who believe in God, His angels, His Books as completed by the Qu'ran, His messengers with Muhammad being the Last of them all, the Day of Final Judgment, the absolute knowledge and wisdom of God.

2. Those who trust God always and enjoy unshakable confidence in Him.

3. Those who spend in the way od God of what He has given them in the form of wealth, life, health, knowledge, experience, and so on.

4. Those who observe their daily prayers regularly as well as the weekly and annual congregations.

5. Those who pay their religious taxes (alms or Zakah) to the rightful beneficiaries (individuals or institutions), the minimum of which is two and a half percent of the annual 'net' income, or of the total value of stocks if in business-after discounting all expenses and credits.

6. Those who enjoin the right and good and combat the wrong and evil by all lawful means at their disposal.

7. Those who obey God and His Messenger Muhammad; and feel increasing strength of faith when the Qur'an is recited, and humility of heart when God's name is mentioned.

8. Those who love God and His Messenger most, and love their fellow men sincerely for the sake of God alone.

9. Those who love their near and distant neighbours and show genuine kindness to their guests, especially the strangers.

10. Those who say the truth and engage in good talk, or else abstain.

It is clear that the very meaning of Faith makes Islam penetrate deeply and constructively into every aspect of Life. According to Islam, true Faith has a decisive effect on the spiritual and material lot of man, and also on his personal and social behavior as well as his politics conduct and financial life. To show how the Qur'an describes the true believers, here is an example. The Qur'an contains numerous references like these:

"They only are the true believers whose hearts feel submissive (and humble) when God is mentioned; and when the revelations of God are recited unto them, they (the revelations) increase and strengthen their Faith; and who trust in their Lord, establish the prayer (as enjoined on them) and spend of what We have bestowed on them (in the cause of God). Those are they who are in truth believers. For them are (high) grades (of honor) with their Lord, and a bountiful provision." (Qur'an, 8:2-4)

قديم 2008-08-05, 19:43   رقم المشاركة : 63
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إحصائية العضو



قديم 2008-08-05, 21:27   رقم المشاركة : 64
معلومات العضو
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عضو برونزي
الصورة الرمزية أم بدر الدين


وسام الحفظ وسام الحفظ وسام أحسن موضوع 
إحصائية العضو


Thank you too much

قديم 2008-08-05, 21:28   رقم المشاركة : 65
معلومات العضو
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عضو برونزي
الصورة الرمزية أم بدر الدين


وسام الحفظ وسام الحفظ وسام أحسن موضوع 
إحصائية العضو


[Ramadan is approaching

SIZE="5"]What are the practical steps that can be taken by Muslims to prepare themselves for this blessed month?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Allah Almighty says, (The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of right and wrong).) (Al-Baqarah 2: 185)

Every Muslim should prepare himself to welcome the blessed month of Ramadan by strengthening his relationship with the Qur’an, busing himself with the spirit of fasting, and recharging his spiritual battery to prepare himself to make the whole blessed month of Ramadan a real occasion of sincere obedience
Ramadan is an event that occurs in the life of the faithful, as individuals and as an Ummah, once a year. It is intended by Allah to help us to recharge our spiritual batteries and thus prepare us for the great mission of realizing His will on earth. Therefore, in order to benefit from Ramadan, we may do well to prepare for it by opening our hearts and minds to embrace it. Let me offer a few tips:

1. We should empower ourselves by learning as much as we can about the precise laws as well as the benefits of fasting.

2. We should ensure that we gain true benefits from our fasting, let us make sure to realize the spirit of fasting: this can only be done by abstaining, not only from food, drink, and sex, but also by strictly restraining our minds, hearts as well as our eyes, ears, hands, tongue, and so on.

3.We must embrace the spirit of fasting as stressed in Hadith: to be charitable and compassionate as much as we can.

4. We should strengthen our relationship with the Qur’an; for Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an.

5. We should engage in dhikr and condition ourselves to make it second nature.

6. Last but not least, we should build up our community through acts of charity and compassion and extending help to those in need as much as we can.

Let us pray that we come out of Ramadan with our faith recharged, gaining strength in our faith and commitment and relationship with Allah.[/SIZE]

قديم 2008-08-05, 21:32   رقم المشاركة : 66
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إحصائية العضو


We are all ready to this holly month

قديم 2008-08-05, 21:33   رقم المشاركة : 67
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إحصائية العضو


We will make aspecial section for Ramadhan

قديم 2008-08-06, 21:11   رقم المشاركة : 68
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الصورة الرمزية أم بدر الدين


وسام الحفظ وسام الحفظ وسام أحسن موضوع 
إحصائية العضو


May ALLAH guide us to the right path

قديم 2008-08-07, 00:15   رقم المشاركة : 69
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إحصائية العضو


I will open it today

قديم 2008-08-07, 20:00   رقم المشاركة : 70
معلومات العضو
أم بدر الدين
عضو برونزي
الصورة الرمزية أم بدر الدين


وسام الحفظ وسام الحفظ وسام أحسن موضوع 
إحصائية العضو


Riya (showing off), 1 of tha great sins

Praise be to Allaah.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:

Showing off may affect worship in three ways:

1 – When the basic motive for worship is to be seen by others, such as one who stands and prays so that people will see him, and so that they will praise him for his prayers. This invalidates the act of worship.

2 – When it is a factor that develops during the act of worship, i.e., if the worshipper is initially sincere in his intention towards Allaah, then the idea of showing off develops whilst he is doing it. In this case one of the following two scenarios must apply:

(i) There is no connection between the first part of his act of worship and the last part, so the first part is valid in all cases, and the last part is invalid.

For example: a man has one hundred riyals that he wants to give in charity, so he gives fifty of them in a sincere act of charity. Then the idea of showing off develops with regard to the remaining fifty. So the first was a sound and accepted act of charity, but the last fifty was an invalid act of charity because the sincerity was mixed with a desire to show off.

(ii) The first part of the act of worship is connected to the last part, in which case one of the following two scenarios must apply:

(a) He wards off the idea of showing off and does not give in to it, rather he turns away from it and hates it. This does not have any effect on him, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah has forgiven my ummah for what crosses their minds, so long as they do not act upon it or speak of it.”

( When he gives in to this idea of showing off and does not ward it off. In this case the entire act of worship becomes invalid, because the first part is connected to the last part. For example, he starts the prayer with a sincere intention towards Allaah, then the idea of showing off develops in the second rak’ah, so the entire prayer becomes invalid because the first part is connected to the last part.

3 – The idea of showing off develop after the act of worship has ended. This does not affect it or invalidate it, because it has been completed soundly, so if showing off occurs after that it does not affect it.

It is not showing off if a person feels happy that the people come to know about his worship, because this developed after he has finished the act of worship.

It is not showing off if a person feels happy because he has done an act of worship, because that is a sign of his faith. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever feels happy because of his good deeds and sad because of his bad deeds, that is the believer.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about that and said: “That is the first glad tidings of the believer.”

Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, 2/29, 30.

قديم 2008-08-07, 23:38   رقم المشاركة : 71
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Allah protect you , sister

قديم 2008-08-10, 21:53   رقم المشاركة : 72
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إحصائية العضو


You are welcome brother
Thank you too much

قديم 2008-08-10, 21:53   رقم المشاركة : 73
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الصورة الرمزية أم بدر الدين


وسام الحفظ وسام الحفظ وسام أحسن موضوع 
إحصائية العضو


Signs of a Good End

The Prophet (peace be upon him.) said, "A Muslim who is killed in a battle is a martyr, (dying in) plague is martyrdom, a woman who dies while delivering a baby is a martyr." (Ahmad, Daarimee, Tiyaalisee, authenticated by Al-Albaanee)

The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said, "The martyrs are seven, other than the one who is killed in the Way of Allaah, Ta'aalaa:
- one who dies of plague,
- one who drowns,
- one who dies of pleurisy,
- one who dies of stomachache,
- one who dies due to burning
- one who dies under a demolition (by accident)
- a woman who dies with a baby in her womb."
(Maalik, Aboo Dawood, An-Nasaaee, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Hibban, Haakim, Ahmad. Authenticated by al-Albaanee)

The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said: "Getting killed in the Path of Allaah Ta'aalaa is martyrdom,
- (death in) confinement during childbirth is martyrdom,
- (death by) getting burned (by accident) is martyrdom,
- (death by) drowning (by accident) is martyrdom,
- (death due to) tuberculosis is martyrdom,
- (death due to) stomachache is martyrdom."
(Tabaraanee, Ahmad, authenticated by al-Albaanee)

By: Shaikh Muhammad Nasir-ud-Deen al-Albani

قديم 2008-08-10, 23:25   رقم المشاركة : 74
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We all hope to have agood end

قديم 2008-08-11, 19:46   رقم المشاركة : 75
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وسام الحفظ وسام الحفظ وسام أحسن موضوع 
إحصائية العضو


INCHA ALLAH..Thank you

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