Biosciences for all - الصفحة 50 - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

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قسم أرشيف منتديات الجامعة القسم مغلق بحيث يحوي مواضيع الاستفسارات و الطلبات المجاب عنها .....

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آخر المواضيع

Biosciences for all

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2012-09-24, 14:00   رقم المشاركة : 1
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إحصائية العضو


السلام عليكم
الرجاء تزويدي بهذا الموضوع مع الشكر مسبقا
Prevalence of Listeria spp. in ready to eat foods (RTE) from Algiers (Algeria
Food Control, Volume 23, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 397-399


قديم 2012-10-21, 00:54   رقم المشاركة : 2
معلومات العضو
عضو مشارك
إحصائية العضو


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة نانون مشاهدة المشاركة
السلام عليكم
الرجاء تزويدي بهذا الموضوع مع الشكر مسبقا
Prevalence of Listeria spp. in ready to eat foods (RTE) from Algiers (Algeria
Food Control, Volume 23, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 397-399

قديم 2012-12-09, 01:13   رقم المشاركة : 3
معلومات العضو
عضو مشارك
إحصائية العضو


: svp, j'ai besoin de ces articles salam alikoum
merci d'avance

قديم 2012-12-13, 22:06   رقم المشاركة : 4
معلومات العضو
عضو جديد
إحصائية العضو


j'ai besoin d'un article sur la prévalence du diabète en algerie

قديم 2012-12-13, 22:14   رقم المشاركة : 5
معلومات العضو
عضو جديد
إحصائية العضو


salem alikouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm

قديم 2012-12-26, 02:28   رقم المشاركة : 6
معلومات العضو
عضو مجتهـد
الصورة الرمزية mohamedph32


إحصائية العضو


السلام عليكم مشكورين على الخدمة ارجو من حضرتكم تزويدي عن اي امر بخصوص هذا الموضوع l interèt de frottis sanguine périphérique en hématimètre automatique و لو حتى باللغة الانجليزية و جعلها الله في ميزان حسناتكم و ادخلكم الجنة بغير حساب و لا سابق عذاب

قديم 2011-08-17, 22:15   رقم المشاركة : 7
معلومات العضو
عضو مميّز
إحصائية العضو


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمدية مشاهدة المشاركة
السلام عليكم
اعينوني اعانكم الله فانا بحاجة الى مقالات journal of food protection التالية:
Polymerase chain reaction-mediated
characterization of molds belonging to the aspergillus flavus group and
detection of aspergillus parasiticus in peanut kernels by a multiplex
polymerase chain reaction
pp. 840-844(5)
authors: Chen
r-s.; tsay j-g.; huang y-f.; chiou r.y.-y.
Toxicity of fumonisin from fusarium
verticillioides culture material and moniliformin from fusarium
fujikuroi culture material when fed singly and in combination to growing
pp. 373-377(5)
authors: Harvey
r.b.; edrington t.s.; kubena l.f.; rottinghaus g.e.; turk j.r.; genovese k.j.;
ziprin r.l.; nisbet d.j.
Restriction fragment length
polymorphism assessment of the heterogeneous nature of maize population
gt-mas:gk and field evaluation of resistance to aflatoxin production by aspergillus
pp. 167-171(5)
authors: Guo
b.z.; butron a.; li h.; widstrom n.w.; lynch r.e.

Control of penicillium expansum
and botrytis cinerea on apples and pears with the combination of candida
sake and pantoea agglomerans
pp. 178-184(7)
authors: Nunes
c.; usall j.; teixidó n.; torres r.; viñas i.
affecting patulin production by penicillium expansum

pp. 1937-1942(6)

Mccallum j.l.; tsao r.; zhou t.

polymerase chain reaction assay for the differential detection of
trichothecene- and fumonisin-producing species of fusarium in cornmeal

pp. 1955-1961(7)
Bluhm b.h.; flaherty j.e.; cousin m.a.; woloshuk c.p.
of alternaria fungal contamination in cereal grains by a polymerase
chain reaction-based assay
pp. 1433-1440
Zur g.; shimoni e.; hallerman e.; kashi y.
reduces growth and aflatoxin b1 production by aspergillus flavus

pp. 1483-1487(5)
Tubajika k.m.; damann jr k.e.
of aflatoxins and ochratoxin a in indian poultry feeds
pp. 1338-1340(3)

Thirumala-devi k.; mayo m.a.; reddy g.; reddy d.v.r.

activity of sodium acetate and lactobacillus rhamnosus

pp. 1188-1191(4)

Stiles j.; penkar s.; plocková m.; chumchalová j.; bullerman l.b.

Determination of aflatoxin b1 in
food and feedstuffs in cuba (1990 through 1996) using an immunoenzymatic reagent
kit (aflacen)
pp. 219-221(3)
authors: Escobar
a.; regueiro o.s.

Toxicity of moniliformin from fusarium
fujikuroi culture material to growing barrows
pp. 1780-1784(5)
authors: Harvey
r.b.; edrington t.s.; kubena l.f.; rottinghaus g.e.; turk j.r.; genovese k.j.;
nisbet d.j.

Comparison of constitutive and
inducible maize kernel proteins of genotypes resistant or susceptible to
aflatoxin production

pp. 1785-1792(cool
authors: Chen
z-y.; brown r.l.; cleveland t.e.; damann k.e.; russin j.s.

Determination of deoxynivalenol in
wheat-based breakfast cereals marketed in portugal
pp. 1848-1850(3)
authors: Martins
m.l.; martins h.m.

Incidence of patulin in apple juices
marketed in turkey

pp. 1851-1853(3)
authors: Yurdun
t.; omurtag g.z.; ersoy Ö.

Development of a flow-through enzyme
immunoassay and application in screening green coffee samples for ochratoxin a
with confirmation by high-performance liquid chromatography
pp. 1597-1602(6)
authors: Sibanda
l.; de saeger s.; bauters t.g.m.; nelis h.j.; van peteghem c.

Detection of trichothecenes in
animal feeds and foodstuffs during the years 1997 to 2000 in saudi arabia
pp. 1603-1606(4)
authors: Al-julaifi m.z.; al-falih a.m.

Osmotic dehydration of apple slices
using a sucrose/cacl2 combination to control spoilage caused by botrytis
cinerea, colletotrichum acutatum, and penicillium expansum
pp. 1425-1429(5)
authors: Chardonnet
c.o.; sams c.e.; conway w.s.; mount j.r.; draughon f.a.

Reduction of patulin during apple
juice clarification

pp. 1216-1219(4)
authors: Bissessur
j.; permaul k.; odhav b.

Trichothecene and moniliformin
production by fusarium species from western canadian wheat
pp. 1220-1225(6)
authors: Abramson
d.; clear r.m.; gaba d.; smith d.m.; patrick s.k.; saydak d.

Occurrence of ochratoxin a–producing
fungi in raw brazilian coffee
pp. 1226-1230(5)
authors: Urbano
g.r.; taniwaki m.h.; leitão m.f.d.f.; vicentini m.c.

Fumonisins b1 and b2
in black tea and medicinal plants
pp. 1268-1270(3)
authors: Martins
m.l.; martins h.m.; bernardo f.

Nannocystis exedens: A potential biocompetitive agent
against aspergillus flavus and aspergillus parasiticus
pp. 1030-1034(5)
authors: Taylor
w.j.; draughon f.a.

Determination of fumonisin b1
and b2 in corn and corn-based products in turkey by high-performance
liquid chromatography
pp. 1072-1075(4)
author: Omurtag

Current importance of ochratoxin
a-producing aspergillus spp.
Pp. 903-906(4)
authors: Abarca
m.l.; accensi f.; bragulat m.r.; cabañes f.j.

Effect of processing on fumonisin
concentration in corn flakes
pp. 701-705(5)
authors: De
girolamo a.; solfrizzo m.; visconti a.

Production of alternariol and
alternariol methyl ether by alternaria alternata grown on fruits at
various temperatures

pp. 528-532(5)
authors: Tournas
v.h.; stack m.e.

Determination of ochratoxin a in red
wine and vinegar by immunoaffinity high-pressure liquid chromatography
pp. 533-537(5)
authors: Markaki
p.; delpont-binet c.; grosso f.; dragacci s.

Production of alternaria
mycotoxins by alternaria alternata isolated from weather-damaged wheat
pp. 567-571(5)
authors: Li
f-q.; toyazaki n.; yoshizawa t.
Variation in in vitro a -amylase and
protease activity is related to the virulence of aspergillus flavus
pp. 401-404(4)
authors: Brown
r.l.; chen z-y.; cleveland t.e.; cotty p.j.; cary j.w.

Aflatoxin b1 degradation
by flavobacterium aurantiacum in the presence of reducing conditions and
seryl and sulfhydryl group inhibitors
pp. 268-271(4)
authors: D'souza
d.h.; brackett r.e.

Dietary strategies to counteract the
effects of mycotoxins: A review
pp. 120-131(12)
authors: Galvano
f.; piva a.; ritieni a.; galvano g.
Effect of cycling temperatures on
the production of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone by fusarium graminearum nrrl 5883
pp. 1451-1455(5)
authors: Ryu, dojin; bullerman, lloyd b.

Fumonisin b1 production by fusarium moniliforme and fusarium proliferatum as affected by cycling temperatures
pp. 1456-1460(5)
authors: Ryu, dojin; munimbazi, celestin; bullerman, lloyd

Trichoderma viride suppresses fumonisin b1 production by fusarium moniliforme
pp. 1326-1332(7)
authors: Yates, i.e.; meredith, f.; smart, w.; bacon,
c.w.; jaworski, a.j.

Fumonisin b1 and hydrolyzed fumonisin b1 (ap1) in tortillas and nixtamalized corn (zea mays l.) from two different geographic ********s in
pp. 1218-1222(5)
authors: Meredith, filmore i.; torres, olga r.; de tejada,
sandra saenzde; riley, ronald t.; merrill, a011lfred h.

Possible synergistic effect of nisin
and propionic acid on the growth of the mycotoxigenic fungi aspergillus parasiticus, aspergillus
ochraceus, and fusarium moniliforme
pp. 1223-1227(5)
authors: Paster, nachman; lecong, zhou; menashrov, mazal;
shapira, roni

fumonisin production by fusarium species isolated from cereals and feeds in
pp. 811-813(3)
authors: Castellá, g.; bragulat, m.r.; cabañes, f.j.

Fumonisin production on irradiated
corn kernels: Effect of inoculum size
pp. 814-817(4)
authors: Chulze, sofia n.; etcheverry, miriam g.;
lecumberry, sandra e.; magnoli, carina e.; dalcero, ana m.; ramirez, maría l.;
pascale, michelangelo; rodriguez, maría i.

Aflatoxin reduction in corn through
field application of competitive fungi
pp. 650-656(7)
authors: Dorner, joe w.; cole, richard j.; wicklow, donald
Inhibition of aflatoxin-producing
fungi by welsh onion extracts
pp. 414-417(4)
authors: Fan, j.j.; chen, j.h.

Distribution of antifungal proteins
in maize kernel tissues using immunochemistry
pp. 295-301(7)
authors: Guo, b.z.; cleveland, t.e.; brown, r.l.;
widstrom, n.w.; lynch, r.e.; russin, j.s.

Analysis of underivatizated patulin
by a gc-ms technique
pp. 202-205(4)
authors: Llovera, montserrat; viladrich, remei; torres,
mercè; canela, ramon

the role of trace ****l ions in
aflatoxin b1 degradation by flavobacterium aurantiacum
pp. 1666-1669(4)
authors: D'souza, doris h.; brackett, robert e.

Occurrence of aflatoxins, fumonisin
b1, and zearalenone in foods and feeds in botswana
pp. 1670-1673(4)
authors: Siame, bupe a.; mpuchane, sisal f.; gashe,
berhanu a.; allotey, joseph; teffera, getachew

comparison of gas
chromatography-electron capture and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for
deoxynivalenol in milled fractions of naturally contaminated wheat
pp. 1695-1697(3)
authors: Hart, l.p.; casper, h.; schabenberger, o.; ng, p.

Colonization of maize grain by fusarium moniliforme and fusarium proliferatum in the presence of competing fungi
and their impact on fumonisin production
pp. 1489-1496(cool
authors: Marín, sonia; sanchis, vicente; rull, francesc;
ramos, antonio j.; magan, naresh

patientez quelque temps


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