منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب - عرض مشاركة واحدة - [AMAZING] How I’m Trying to Raise 8 Intelligent, God-Conscious Children
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2015-06-07, 19:41   رقم المشاركة : 8
معلومات العضو
~أمة الله~
عضو مميّز
الصورة الرمزية ~أمة الله~


إحصائية العضو


11) I recall a profound statement you’d made at a gathering once: “the education of a child begins twenty years before it is born.” Do elaborate this for our readers.

It simply means that before you can teach your children, you need to gain knowledge yourself. Some of you may think it’s too late and too difficult at your stage of parenting. It’s never too late to seek knowledge and to correct ourselves. Furthermore, you have every opportunity now to make it right for your children. Prepare your children to be upright parents by giving them knowledge from now. Don’t just focus on excellent university degrees and the means to earn a good job. Give them sound knowledge in their deen and make sure they know the Qur’an. This means the knowledge to read, to understand and to live by it. Prepare your children to be educated and pious parents.

12) Do you and your husband follow any particular spiritual routine that you feel increases the Barakah in your day?

I don’t think we do anything different or special to merit any mention here. However I do remember reading a book about bringing up children in Arabic many years ago, forgot its author and title. He said,

Your children will not do what you tell them to do. They will do what you do.
In other words, you need to set the example in everything that you want them to be. Be a pious and filial son and daughter to your own parents and your children will do the same for you. So, be an example to your children especially in your 'Ibaadah.

13) Finally, what is the best advice you have for anyone aspiring to be parents someday, In shaa' Allah?

Read all of the above and try for yourself what you feel is right. Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) does not burden you with more than what you can bear. This was my journey and I’m still on the road, only further down.
Those of you who are reading this will choose your own path and I pray whatever path you choose for yourself, the aim is the same: that you want to bring up pious children who will benefit the Ummah.
Also remember that without correct Islamic knowledge, your children will not be able to serve the Ummah.

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