منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب - عرض مشاركة واحدة - [AMAZING] How I’m Trying to Raise 8 Intelligent, God-Conscious Children
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2015-06-07, 19:36   رقم المشاركة : 5
معلومات العضو
~أمة الله~
عضو مميّز
الصورة الرمزية ~أمة الله~


إحصائية العضو


6) Fulfilling the vision and goals you had as a parent for 8 children must definitely not have been an easy journey. I believe, the fundamental reason for your success after Allah’s help was your perseverance mashaAllah, because this is where most people fail when they set out to achieve their dreams. What kept you going all these years, especially through the hard times?

All Tawfeeq is from Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He). I never stopped making dua asking Allah to make my children people who will benefit the Ummah. That dua and vision gave me strength to never stop.

I was and still am struggling to learn the Qur’an. For as long as I was struggling to learn the Qur’an myself, I felt that I could demand the same effort and dedication from my children. So for me, learning the Qur’an was synonymous to perseverance.

Lastly, it was also born out of the desire to be just and fair to all my children that I persevered. I felt that I needed to continue teaching and giving the younger set of children what I did for the older set. So this kept me going. Our home-school routine continued even until all seven children had gone to school and there was only one child left to teach at home. In fact, I found classmates for her so she would enjoy her learning.

Sometimes as parents, we tend to move and make decisions according to the needs of the older children and neglect the young ones. It might seem naturally so. This was something I always tried to remind myself not to do.

7) How can people practically inculcate perseverance and patience, especially as parents?

I’m not sure how you practically inculcate the characteristics of patience and perseverance. My own answer to that really is, bring yourself closer to Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He). If this parenting vision you have is not connected to 'ibaadah, then there is no reason to be patient nor persevere.
Be conscious of your intentions and beliefs. If you believe that as Muslim parents, it is our duty to bring up our children in a way that will make them the best of Muslims, then it is a cause worth pursuing. Like any other acts of worship, this kind of parenting must stem from the belief that it is something that is pleasing to Allah for which you will be rewarded. It is this belief that will give you patience and perseverance. Anyone who has a lesser intention or started out because of some worldly reasons will eventually get tired and give up.
Last but not least, remember that the dua of your pious children will benefit you in your grave. This is enough to make you work hard.

To Be Continue ....

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