منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب - عرض مشاركة واحدة - ✿ دورة الدروس الخصوصية المجانية ✿ الدروس بدأت✿
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2011-12-27, 15:53   رقم المشاركة : 2664
معلومات العضو
عضو نشيط
الصورة الرمزية سينوفة


إحصائية العضو


Exercise n°1 . Modals : Complete using “can – should – must – may” [ 5 points]
1. You ……visit Edinburgh because many people think it is the most beautiful city in Scotland.
2. ……..you play the guitar?
3. You ……knock on the door before entering.
4. You …..take an umbrella because it is going to rain.
5. You mustn’t drive so fast .You …….have an accident.

Exercise n°2:. Complete with the “present perfect “ or “the simple past” [ 5 points]
1. Assia Djebbar……….(write) a lot of books .She …..(write) her first book in 1955.
2………you ever…….(try) Chinese food ?
3.I ……..never ……(be) to Morocco.
4. She ……(live) in Tlemcen for three years and then in 2003 she ……(move) to Oran.
5. We ……..(meet) Ahmed three years ago. How about you ? How long …….you ……..(know) him ?

Exercise n°3: The future: Complete the sentences with “going to” or “will”. [ 5 points]
1. ‘ Why have you bought so much food ?’ because I ………(****) a meal for ten people;’
2. ‘So, you have registered at university?’ ‘That’s right. I ………… (study) geology at the University of Boumerdes.’
3. ‘My car has broken down.’ ‘Ask Hassan the mechanic. I am sure he ……. (help) you.’
4. ‘I‘ve passed my exam, Mom!’ ‘That’s great! We……… (give) a party to celebrate that.’
5. ‘Why have you got your old jeans on?’ ‘Because I ……. (clean) the garden.’

Exercise n°4: Complete the following questions using “would you like” or “do you like” [ 5 points]
1. …………..swimming?
2. …………..to go to the cinema with me?
3. ………….. going to the cinema?
4. What …………..to drink?
5. ……………. To go for a walk in the park?

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