المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : دروس لتعلم الانجليزية

2010-04-13, 18:56
:dj_17::dj_17::dj_17::dj_17::dj_17::dj_17::dj_17:: dj_17:

معاني الكلمات المستعملة يوميا
Hello مرحبا
My name اسمي
I am أنا أكون
I am not أنا لست كذلك
Are you? هل أنت؟
I am here أنا هنا
You are there أنت هناك
How are you? كيف حالك؟
How old are you? كم عمرك
I am 6 years old عمري 6 سنوات
Where is? أين
It is there إنه هناك
Please من فضلك
Thank you شكرا لك
No, isn’t كلا
What is this? ما هذا؟

Hotel فندق
Car park موقف سيارات
Mosque مسجد
Good morning صباح الخير
Good afternoon تحية ما بعد الظهر حتى المساء
Good evening مساء الخير
Good bye مع السلامة
Car سيارة
A football كرة قدم
An airplane طائرة
Boat قارب
Cakes كعكة
Horses خيول
Cats قطط
International دولي
Station محطة
Televisions تلفزيونات
School مدرسة
Pen قلم
Paper ورقة
Nurse ممرضة
Doctor طبيب
Glass كأس
Near قريب
Far بعيد
Box صندوق
River نهر

Oranges برتقالات

Apricots مشمش
Apples تفاح
Melons بطيخ
Grapefruit كريب فروت

الدرس الثاني

1) تعريف الاشياء في غرفةالجلوس in the living room

This is living room هذه غرفة جلوس

This is a curtain هذه ستارة
This is a chair هذا كرسي
This is a plant هذه مزرعة
This is a lamp هذا مصباح
This is a soft هذه كنبة
This is an armchair هذه أريكة
This is a television هذا تلفزيون
This is a table هذه طاولة
This is a carpet هذه سجادة
This is a wall هذا جدار
This is a mirror هذه مرآة
This is a cushion هذه وسادة (أي مسندة)

2) تعريف الأشياء في غرفة الطعام
2) In the dining room

This is dining room هذه غرفة طعام
This is a table هذه طاولة
This is a tablecloth هذا غطاء الطاولة
This is a chair هذا كرسي
This is a cup هذا كوب
This is a saucer هذا صحن الكوب
This is a fork هذه شوكة
This is a knife هذه سكين
This is a spoon هذه ملعقة
This is a glass هذا كأس
This is a jug هذا إبريق
This is a dish هذا طبق (صحن)
This is a bowl هذه زبدية
This is a mat هذه سفرة
This is a napkin هذا منديل
This is my breakfast هذا فطوري

3) في المطبخ
3) In the kitchen

This is a kitchen هذا مطبخ
This is a sink هذا حوض الغسيل
This is a tap هذا صنوبر الماء
This is washing up liquid صابون غسيل هذا
This is toaster هذه محمصة الخبز
This is cupboard هذا دولاب

This is a kettle هذه غلاية ماء
This is microwave هذا ميكروويف
This is a fridge هذه ثلاجة
This is a bread bin هذه حافظة خبز
This is saucepan هذا قدر
This is a frying pan هذه مقلاة

This is an oven هذا فرن
This is a fan هذه مروحة
This is a bin هذه سلة مهملات

3) في الحمام
3) In the bathroom

This is a bathroom هذا حمام
This is a mirror هذه مرآة
This is a toilet هذه دورة مياه
This is a bath البانيو)) هذا حوض الإستحمام
This is a sink هذه مغسلة
This is a shower هذا دوش
This is a towel هذه منشفة
This is soap هذا صابون
This is shampoo هذا شامبو
This is a sponge هذه ليفة
This is a toothbrush فرشاة أسنان هذه
This is toothpaste هذا معجون أسنان
This is a razor هذه شفرة حلاقة
This is shaving foam هذا صابون حلاقة
This is a mat هذه ممسحة أقدام

4) في غرفة النوم
In the bedroom (4
This is a bedroom هذه غرفة نوم
This is a bed هذا سرير
This is a mattress هذه مرتبة
This is a pillow هذه وسادة
This is a pillow case هذا غطاء وسادة
This is a bed sheet هذا غطاء الفراش
This is a quilt هذا لحاف
This is a blanket هذه بطانية
This is a bed spread هذاغطاء السرير
This is a dressing table هذا دولاب
This is a hair dryer هذا مجفف شعر
This is a wardrobe هذه خزانة ملابس
This is a dressing gown هذا روبي (روب النوم)

5) في الحديقة
5) In the garden

This is a garden هذه حديقة
This is grass هذا حشيش
This is a tree هذه شجرة
This is a flower هذه زهرة
This is a bench هذا مقعد
This is a pathway هذا ممر
This is a soil هذه تربة
This is hosepipe هذا خرطوم ماء

الدرس الثالث

The numbers الأرقام

(One) واحد

(Two) إثنين

(Three) ثلاثة

(Four) أربعة

(Five) خمسة

(Six) ستة

(Seven) سبعة

(Eight) ثمانية

(Nine) تسعة

(Ten) عشرة

(Twenty) عشرين

(Twenty-one) واحد و عشرين
(Thirty) ثلاثين
(Thirty-one) واحد و ثلاثون
(Forty) أربعين
(Forty-one) واحد و أربعين
(Fifty) خمسين
(Fifty-one) واحد و خمسين
(Sixty) ستين
(Sixty-one) واحد و ستين
(Seventy) سبعين
(Seventy-one) واحد و سبعين
(Eighty) ثمانين
(Eighty-one) واحد و ثمانين
(Ninety) تسعين
(Ninety-one) واحد و تسعين
(A hundred) مئة
لدرس الرابع
unit 4

الضمائر الملكية
إن وجدت شيئا ما و أردت أن تعرف صاحبه أو لمن تعود الملكية فإنك تعني لمن و WHOSE تسأل عن ذلك بإستخدام كلمة
مع الضمائر التالية.

المعنى الضمير

My/mine لي

His /his له

Her/hers لها

Your/yours لك أو لكم

Their/theirs لهم

Our/ours لنا

It/it’s لغير العاقل
For example أمثلة

Whose letter is it? رسالة من هذه؟
It’s my letter. هذه رسالتي.
It’s mine. إنها لي

Whose photos are these? صور من هذه؟
They are your photos. هذه صوركم.
They are yours. إنها لكم.

Whose camera is this? كاميرة من هذه؟
It’s his camera. هذه كاميرته.
It’s his. إنها له.

Whose necklace is this? عقد من هذا؟
It’s her necklace. هذا عقدها.
It’s hers. إنه لها .

Whose watches are these? ساعات من هذه؟
They are our watches. هذه ساعاتنا.
They are ours. إنها لنا.

Whose sandwiches are these? سندويتشات من هذه؟
They are their sandwiches. هذه سندويشاتهم.
They are theirs. إنها لهم .

الدرس الخامس
عندما تود أن تعطي إجابة عامة بدون ذكر أرقام محددة فإنه يمكن إستخدام بعض الكلمات مثل:

A few قلة (عدد قليل)
Several بضعة (عدد أكبر)
Quite a few وفرة (عدد وافر)
A lot of كثرة (عدد كثير)
/any/some بعض

Example أمثلة
There are a few people in the room.
There are several people in the room.
There are quite a few people in the room.
There is a lot of water on the road.
Are there any people in the room?
Yes there are some people in the room
No there aren’t.

الدرس السادس

Days of the week أيام الأسبوع

Saturday السبت
Sunday الأحد
Monday الأثنين
Tuesday الثلاثاء
Wednesday الأربعاء
Thursday الخميس
Friday الجمعة

Example أمثلة

I play football on Thursday أناألعب كرة القدم يوم الخميس
I visit my friend on Monday أنا أزور صديقي يوم الأثنين
I go to the market on Wednesday نا أذهب إلىالسوق يوم الأربعاء

UNIT 7- الدرس السابع

Months of the year شهور السنة

January يناير
February فبراير
March مارس
April أبريل
May ماي
June يونيو
July يوليو
August أغسطس
September سبتمبر
October أكتوبر
November نوفمبر
December ديسمبر

Example أمثلة

Today is Tuesday January the 1st .1991.
اليوم هو الثلاثاء 1يناير 1991
Tomorrow is Wednesday March the 6th.1991.
غدا هو الأربعاء 6 مارس 1991
The day after tomorrow will be Thursday March the 7 th.1991.
بعد غد هو يوم الخميس 7 مارس 1991
Yesterday was Sunday February the 3rd .1991.
كان أمس يوم الأحد 3 فبراير 1991
Tomorrow is Wednesday January the 2nd .1991.
غدا هو الأربعاء 2 يناير 1991

[St معناها first]
[th معناها sixth]
[rd معناها third ]
[nd معناها second ]

2011-01-08, 18:17
Thank you very much

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:23
ممكن تساعدون في بحث حول اي مقال صحفي بالانجليزية وجزاكم الله خيرا

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:25
ارجوكم انا في الانتظار

ندى العمر
2011-01-11, 16:25
مقال نتاع واش

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:27
ممكن تساعدوني

ندى العمر
2011-01-11, 16:30
قولي موضوع المقال لي باغيه وان شاء الله نساعدك

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:39
اي مقال صحفي

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:41
اي موضوع وجزاك الله خيرا

ندى العمر
2011-01-11, 16:41
عندي واحدعلى تلوث الهواء

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:43
نعم هو مناسب

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:44
هل تستطيعين كتابته اذا سمحت وشكرا

ندى العمر
2011-01-11, 16:45
اصبر شوي دوك نديرهلك

2011-01-11, 16:45
اخي لقد وضعت لك المقال في طلبك اتمنى ان يفيدك واختر ما يناسبك

ندى العمر
2011-01-11, 16:47
Air pollution

Air pollution: the air is all mixed with gas that fills the Earth's atmosphere including water vapor, and consists mainly of gaseous nitrogen rate of 78.084% and Aloksgenn 20.946%, and in addition there carbon dioxide rate of 0.033% water vapor, and some inert gases and the importance of oxygen from the cycle great breathing organisms that can not live without it enters in the composition of living cells by a quarter of the total atoms involved in the installation. In order to balance the environment, and continues to decrease oxygen wants the wisdom of God the Almighty that the plants to compensate this loss through the process of photosynthesis, where it reacts water with carbon dioxide in the presence of light energy absorbed by the plant by chlorophyll green so it was the wisdom of God effect great wonderful Without plants we could not live after running out of oxygen in respiration and combustion, in the presence of any organism on land or at sea, if that aquatic plants are also in the process of photosynthesis, and extend the water of oxygen that dissolves in and necessary to breathe all marine organisms. (This is the creation of What God who created from Him, but wrong in manifest error) Luqman - er 11 for each person of modern times have come and destroyed the forests, and stabbed the El Omrane on the lawns and began his factories to receive massive amounts of smoke in the sky, And all that the worst effects alleged air and the balance of the environment, and if we turned to numbers we infer, he would feel scared of inflation, pollution, injected carbon dioxide, the percentage volume has about 0.029% at the end of the last century, has risen to 0.033% in 1970 and is expected to reach more than 0.038% in in 2000, and this increase has raised a very bad environmental balance. The definition of air pollution: is there any solid, liquid or gaseous air quantities lead to damage to physiological, economic and vital to humans, animals and plants, machinery and equipment, or affect the nature of things and estimated the loss of the world each year by about 5000 million dollars, because of the impact of the air, on crops and agricultural plants. The air pollution of the worst air pollutants, and the greater the number of people in the contaminated area. Over the course of history and succession of the ages did not hand over the air from pollution to enter the exotic materials upon Kalgazat and fumes were rising from the craters, or produced from burning of forests, and Kalaterpp and micro-organisms that cause disease, but that was not how much has dire consequences, but was in Expand Rights to Itvadah or even tolerate, but the problem has emerged with industrialization and the spread of the industrial revolution in the world, and with this increase is terrible in the number of the population, the increasing number and means of transportation and development, and its dependence on vehicles resulting from the distillation of petroleum as fuel, and perhaps the car is the worst causes of pollution air, although it is a necessity of modern life, they emit large amounts of gases that pollute the air, a gas poisonous carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and ozone. Methods of air pollution: First: a solid material pending: smoke, and exhaust Alsarat, dust, pollen, dust and cotton, and cement dust, dust and pesticides. Second: gaseous materials or toxic fumes and severe, such as chlorine, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone. Third: bacteria, germs, mold resulting from the decomposition of dead plants and animals and a human waste. IV: Natural atomic radiation and industrial:. Showed that contamination with the beginning of the use of corn in various walks of life, especially in the areas: military, industrial, and perhaps all still remember the uproar enormous that occurred because of the bubble famous one atomic reactors state (Pennsylvania), USA, and the explosion of atomic bombs on ( Nagasaki and Hiroshima) during the Second World War so long ago, what is still the effects of pollution to this day, and still image of the maimed and injured memorable, and located Balabadan, has appeared after the types and kinds of pollutants for example, a strontium 90, which results from nuclear explosions exists almost everywhere, increasing quantity with the increase in nuclear testing, which falls on the trees and pastures, moving to sheep and cattle, including to humans and affects the productivity of milk cows and livestock, and damage bone, causing many diseases and dangerous nuclear explosions lie in the fallout, which emanates from the bombing sites where atomic falling by gravity, or by rain polluting everything and crash everything. In light of this, can we decide or interpret the suffering that may resolve a people master of Lot peace be upon him that, because the rain is contaminated with radioactive material, not so long ago The land contains some rock radioactive, such as Alapthiblnd These rocks are present since thousands of years, V.: pollution-mail: a latest trend in the field of pollution, which results in areas that produce on electronic devices starting from the bell electrical and radio and television, and an end to the satellite, which is full of space around us, radio waves and electromagnetic waves, etc., and these areas affects the nerve cells of the human brain, and may have been a source of some cases of non-equilibrium, chronic headaches, which means fail medical clinical in diagnosis, and perhaps changes in the climate these days, where we see the days with high temperature in the winter, and days in very cold in the summer, perhaps all this is due to pollution-mail in the air around us, especially following the deployment of thousands of satellites around the Earth. The impact of air pollution on land and sea: reflected the greatness of God and his kindness towards His slaves in this wonderful design of the universe, and that the balance in it, but human meddling fool spoil this balance, in the area in which they live, as if this is what it saw as the angels when God created Adam - A says: (which is created for you Mafi earth, then turned to the heaven and fashioned seven heavens in which everything is Knower. thy Lord said to the angels: I will create in the land-Khalifa said Atjal where the mischief therein and shed blood, we praise praise and sanctify you said I know what You know) Sura ethane 29.30. Found that the pollution has harmful effects on plants and animals and humans and soil, we will discuss the impact of air pollution: health: Increasing the toxic gases to respiratory diseases and eye, and that higher concentrations of some chemical compounds Koboukrp amines organic cause some types of cancer, and other gases such as oxides of nitrogen adverse effects on the nervous system, as well as the atomic radiation occurs inherited congenital malformations that did not cause death. Material: lead Alai follows: the presence of dust and fog to the non-visibility means of ground and air. Occurrence of rust and corrosion of equipment and buildings, which affect the useful life, and in that great loss. Pollution, solid material reserves a large part of the sun's rays, leading to increased industrial lighting. On animals: cause fluorides Arja and Xaha in the structures of animal bone in areas that fall in fluorides, or absorbed by green plants n and the lead salts that come out with the exhaust gases caused Tzma of cattle, sheep and horses, as well as the sulfur dioxide partner in a tunnel in cattle. The flying insects, they can not live in urban air pollution, and perhaps you think also what is the inevitable fate of birds that depend in their diet to these insects, for example extinct species of birds had been living in the sky of the city of London for nearly 80 years, because air pollution may spent on flying insects that had fed on them. On plants: suffocate plants in the air is pure and soon die, as air pollution, dust, fog, smoke and soot leads to reduction of the amount of sunlight reaching Earth, and affect plant growth and the maturity of crops, and also reduces the process of photosynthesis in terms of efficiency , and fall flowers of some types of fruit Ka orange and most of the evergreen trees, falling leaves and shrubs as a result of the misuse of pesticides, invasive species, and as an example of plants that are affected by pollution, garden crops and cut flowers, alfalfa, grain, tobacco, lettuce, ornamental trees, Ksro, and Gazurina, and linden . On climate: lead ionizing radiation and nuclear explosions to large changes in the natural cycle of life on the Earth's surface, and some gases from the exhausts of plants, the presence to cracking in the ozone layer that surrounds the land, which he said the Quran: (And We made the sky yet they all verses are exposed). The cracking of the ozone layer allows the gas and cosmic particles alien to enter the Earth's atmosphere, and occurs when the big changes, too, the presence of fog and smoke and dust in the air leads to reduction of the amount of radiation light that reaches the surface of the earth, and light rays that do not reach the surface of this, absorb and re-radiate back into the atmosphere as energy calories If we add to this kinetic energy by that leaks into the air as a result of combustion of fuel oil, coal, timber and so on, we will find that we gradually increase the heat, and who knows, if the growing rise in temperature atmosphere, it could lead to melting glaciers located him in the poles and flooding the ground water, and perhaps Zlkma refers to verse number 3 in Al-Cleaving: (If the seas are poured forth.) where he stated commentators that the bombing of the sea means the mixing of its water in part of some, and that it can happen if the glaciers melted ice in the Arctic and Antarctic. 2 - water pollution first and most serious problem: The water pollution of the first topics that interest by scientists and specialists in the field of pollution, and it is not surprising (that the size of the studies that addressed this issue bigger than those on other branches of the pollution. Perhaps the secret of this is due to two reasons: first: the importance of water and Dharorith, it is included in all biological processes, industrial, and can not be any living organism - in whatever form or kind or size - to live without him, Organisms need to live, and plants are also needed in order to grow, (proved Cell Biology that water is an important component in the composition of material of the cell, a unit of construction in all living plant was or animal, and proved biochemistry that water is necessary for the occurrence of all interactions and transitions that occur within the bodies of living, is either the center or a catalyst or within the interaction or the result of him, and proved physiology that water is essential that each member of its functions, without which it is not available to him aspects of life and its components). That all are equal with the verse that declares openly about the creativity of the Creator God Almighty to make the water necessary for each organism , he says (and made from water every living thing not believe) of the Prophets / 30. II: water takes more space in the biosphere, which is more material individually found it, because of anointing the body of water about 70.8% of the Earth's surface, causing Some of the scholars to chant the name of (the ball of water) on the ground instead of the globe. The water is about (60-70% of the affluent suburb objects including human, and is about 90% of the minimum living objects) and thus the water pollution lead to severe damage to a grave danger to living, and disturb the ecological balance, which would be meaningless and will not have value if they spoiled the properties of the main component has a water. sources of water pollution: contaminated water each Maevsd properties or alter the nature, meaning the pollution of water is to desecrate the water courses, wells, rivers, seas, rain and groundwater, making its water unfit for humans or animals or plants or organisms that live in the seas and oceans, and the contaminated water through the waste human and plant, animal and industrial to receive it or are in the branches, and contaminated groundwater as a result of leakage of sewage to including of bacteria and pigments chemical contaminated, and most important water contaminants include: rainwater contaminated: contamination of rain water - especially in industrial areas because it gathered during its fall from the sky, all pollutants in the air, and which the best known oxides, nitrogen oxides and sulfur atoms soil, it is worth mentioning that the contamination of rainwater a new phenomenon has developed with the spread of industrialization, and dumping large amounts of waste gases and dust in the air or water, in the past did not know human this type of pollution, and I have this? It was by the grace of God to worship and have mercy on and his kindness to them that the rain water that falls from the sky, come down to free from impurities, and be at the very purity and serenity and purity when you start to configure, and Water remains pure to be up to the surface of the earth, The Almighty God said in His Holy Book, stressing that before be sure of modern science: (who sends the winds as heralds of His mercy, and sent down from the sky pure water) Criterion 48. He also said: (it Igshekm drowsiness secure it and you download the sky water to purify it and go on your abomination of Satan and connects to your hearts, and prove its foot) Anfal 11, and if rainwater was pure when you start to configure the time the case is impossible, so a person says, and so is made, we have filled the air a lot of solid waste and gaseous by Nfettha factory chimneys and engines of machinery and vehicles, these pollutants dissolved with rain water and dripping with snow Vtemtsa soil to add this as new pollutants to the existing soil, and absorb plant toxins in all its parts, if dealt with human or animal of these plants led to the poisoning (to taste some of what they learned that they may return) Romans 41 as the fall of rain water contaminated above the water bodies Kmahitat and seas, rivers and lakes lead to contamination of these surfaces and to the poisoning of marine organisms and fish in them, and move the poison to humans if the deal with these contaminated fish, and so are sea birds that rely on food for fish. It is suicide a comprehensive and slow is made by other human beings, and the rest in the absence of what is happening around him , even if reached by the stream pollution horizons and Mark N, but after it had died prematurely. Sewage: It is contaminated with soap, detergents and some types of bacteria and harmful microbes, and when you move the sewage into rivers and lakes, they lead to pollution as well. industrial waste: a include remnants of food factories, chemical and synthetic fibers, which lead to the pollution of water in fat, bacteria, blood, acid and alkali, dyes, oil and vehicle oil, chemicals and salts of toxic salts of mercury and arsenic, and salts of heavy ****ls such as lead and cadmium. nuclear reactors: They cause pollution, heat water, which affects adversely on the environment and life , with the possibility of radioactive contamination of the subsequent generations of rights and the rest of her life with the possibility of radioactive contamination of the subsequent generations of humans and other organisms. insecticides: which is sprayed on crops or used for weeding, Vinsab with each water exchange banks, as well as contaminated water canals and channels that are washed by the spray equipment, machinery, and lead to the killing of fish and marine organisms also leads to the deaths of livestock and animals that drink water from canals contaminated with pesticides, and perhaps the tragedy that occurred in Iraq in 1971 -1972 m or Dh evidence when it was use Type of pesticides containing mercury, which led to about 6000 people were hospitalized, and died, 500. pollution from oil spill to the waters of the sea and stations: It is either a result of drowning and tankers that are repeated annually, or as a result of these carriers operations, cleaning and washing their tanks and dumping washing water pollutants in the sea. Among the reasons for pollution of sea water is also oil, the oil flow during the search and exploration, as has happened in the shores of Qalevurniaaa United States of America in the late sixties, and it results in a spot of oil large measure length of eight hundred miles over the waters of the Pacific, This led to the death of countless numbers of sea birds and dolphins, fish and marine organisms as a result of pollution. Thus we saw how the back of corruption in the land and sea, including earned people's hands, and the risk of major water pollution lies in the drinking water, and Unfortunately, there are some rivers have not longer suitable for this purpose such as the Ruhr River in Germany, and that the dumping of sewage in the course of the rivers without treatment leads to change the color of the water, and to the growth of algae and aquatic plants are dense, which affects the navigation and the speed of current, in addition to the stagnant water, a center ground for the growth and the proliferation of parasites that cause diseases such as cholera, schistosomiasis, typhoid fever, dysentery and other diseases, and if we we look at the verse: (such as the Commission promised to the righteous the rivers of water is putrid and rivers of milk did not change the taste and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers, and rivers of honey in a refinery and they have all fruits and forgiveness from their Lord, like one who is in Hell forever and irrigated water warm and cut off their intestines) Mohammed Al mandate 15. and found that the verse (draws attention to the bilge water stagnant variable water harmful, has decided to verse before detection binoculars "microscope" horns several where it was found that the stagnant water variable repository of millions of harmful bacteria and other parasites that infect humans and cattle, damage to various). 3 - pollution of land: contaminate the Earth's surface as a result of accumulation of materials and solid waste produced from factories and farms, clubs, homes and obeyed, and the streets, as contaminated also remnants of farms Koawad crops dry and ash burned. insecticides: which the best known DDT. d. T., and despite the fact that these pesticides are useful for combating harmful insects, but with fatal effect on the bacteria in the soil, which analyzes the organic material to the chemical compounds simple absorbed by the plant, and thus less soil fertility over time with continued use of pesticides, and this PLAGUE, especially if Odvaa to the immunity that insects due to the use of pesticides, leading to the presence of insects strong will be devastating any green plant if attacked or raided. The DDT. d. T. seep into the human body through food, which he gets from plants and vegetables and the focus of this pesticide in the fatty layers the human body, which, if tried to get rid of them led to the poisoning of this pesticide, concentrated seriousness of DDT. d. T in the survival of soil-agricultural for a long period of time without decay, and this increased by shouts and appeals in recent times should not use this article as a pesticide. It is unfortunate that recent trends in pest control to resort to the use of chemicals, made worse by the use of aircraft in the spraying of forests and vegetation and agricultural crops. That does not lead to falling leaves, flowers and herbs, but also lead to contamination of grains, fruits, vegetables and soil, and this may lead to two types of pollution: I: pollution and directly resulting from use of direct human grain and fruits contaminated. II: Pollution is a direct and this its various forms and multiple ways. It is either the injured man as a result of his handling of the poultry meat that gets its food from capture of insects contaminated with moving these pesticides to birds and accumulate inside and increasing its focus with the increased eating these birds to insects, if dealt with human Sama slow, leading to death whenever the accumulation of increased quantity and an evil kind. is either to be infected as a result of his handling of the meat of animals that feed on plants contaminated. can also be infected as a result of the fall of these pesticides in soil and plant uptake have, and entering the building cells of the plant itself. Among the most famous of pesticides that are harmful to human health, those containing mercury compounds has been called the disease caused by mercury poisoning disease (Alimamata) and relative to the Bay Area (Minamata), Japan, and by the afternoon of this disease for the first time in 1953, as a result of contamination of the water used to irrigate agricultural land Residues containing compounds mercury toxic resulting from a factory, even if in small quantities on the human body as relaxed muscles and damage the cells of the brain and other organs, and lose eye sight, and may lead to death also affect the fetus in the womb of his mother. Is it after this corruption? It is disturbing to advocates of progress and development believe that use chemical pesticides and insecticides that help protect plants from the risk of insects and fungi that attack them. and by doing so they increase production and repair in the ground. (and if they were told not mischief in the earth, they say: We are peacemakers. They are not spoilers, but do not feel). fertilizers Chemical: It is known that the fertilizers used in agriculture is divided into two types: organic fertilizers: namely, those resulting from the remnants of animals and birds and humans, and what is known scientifically that these fertilizers increase the capacity of the soil water retention. inorganic fertilizers: a man-made vehicles chemical that may lead to contamination of soil, although their purpose is to increase the production of agricultural land, and have found interested in agriculture in Britain to increase yield per acre in recent years does not increase despite the large increase in the use of chemical fertilizers leads to soil cover layer is not porous during heavy rains, while less likely to be of this class in the case of organic fertilizers. and say: at the time that he lost famines and epidemics, many of the cruelty and ferocity to intimidate human, we find that environmental pollution has replaced these epidemics, and the seriousness of pollution is that it is man-made and its effects ill back him and the cultivation and manufacture

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:48
شكرا لك لا كنني فتاة

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:49
جزاك الله خيرا الله يكون معك

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:52
شكرا لك الله يعطيك العافية

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:53
ويجعله لك في ميزان حسناتك ان شاء الله

ندى العمر
2011-01-11, 16:53
ان شاء الله

walido dima
2011-01-11, 16:54
شكرا لك الله يحفظك

2011-01-11, 22:25
hello you are fine

2011-01-11, 22:27
thnx frands