المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : I need Help , pleese please please

2010-01-16, 12:46
:sdf: :mh31: I need Lesson Plan for the second year English , Please :confused:

2010-01-16, 13:32
Hi, I'm an English teacher from TebessaI'll show you the way I'm planning my lessons may be that will help

Level: Second Year

Duration: Two hours

Unit 04: Budding scientist

Fiche: 02

The Conditional

Definition: the conditional is a mood of verbs that showsthat actions are the consequence of conditions, it is expressed by an “If” clause. There are four (04) main kinds of conditional.

Types of conditional:

If-conditional: type zero


If+-------------Present Simple-------------, ---------Present Simple


In this type of conditional the Present Simple occurs in both clauses. That means that the condition can be true at any time. In this type of conditional, if can be replaced by when or whenever.


· If you don’t water flowers, they die.

· When you turn that switch to the black position, the power gets cut off.

· Whenever you mix water with oil, the oil floats.

If-conditional: type one

If+-Present Simple, ---------will (‘ll) or will not (won't


We use the first conditional to talk about things that are possible in the future.


· If you study hard, you will pass your exams.

· If you click on that icon, you’ll lose anything you haven’t saved.

If-conditional: type two


If+-------------Past Simple------, ---------would (‘d) + verb


The second conditional is used to talk about the present, and to imagine something totally different from the real situation of now or in the future.


· If I won the lottery, I would buy a fast car. (but I haven’t won the lottery, so I can’t buy anything)

· If I had some money, I’d give you some. (but I haven’t got any money, so you can’t have any)

If-conditional: type three


If+---------Past Perfect--, -would (could/might) have+ past participle


We use the third conditional when we imagine a different past, i.e an unreal past.


· If I had studied more, I would have passed my exams (but I went out every night with my friends, I didn’t open a book, and I failed).

· If you had been ready on time, we wouldn’t have missed the train.

Other forms and uses of the conditional:

A. If + ----- Present Simple---,---Imperative

Eg: If you’re happy, clap your hand.

B. If + ---- Present Simple---,---modal+ verb

Eg: If you fall, you may hurt yourself.

C. If + --- Past Simple---,---might/could+ verb

Eg: If the Martians invaded our planet, they could exterminate us.

D. If + --- Past Perfect---,---might/could+ have + past participle

Eg: If she had known about your difficulties, she might have helped you.
