المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اريدا الحل عاجل من فضلك

بن تاج ميمون
2009-10-14, 20:33
اريد حا للتمارين اللغة الانجليزية للسنة 2 تانوي 1/التمرين 4 ص 20/و الترين1ص/21

2009-10-18, 21:08
شكرا وبارك الله فيك

2009-12-03, 19:16
والله لا اعرف الانجليزية لو اعرف كنت ساعدت اسفة

2009-12-18, 17:47
Act.One (p.21)
The aim of this activity is to make students infer the category of the words put between brackets and to use appropriate suffixes to form the words that correspond to each of the categories. Before setting the students to task , you can give them an example to illustrate what is expected of them in doing the activity. Above all, show them the strategy of how they can infer the categories of words from the different sentences of the text.
Marxism is an economic and political theory developed by Karl Marx. This theory claims that class struggle has been the major force behind historical change. Marxism believes that the exploited classes will put an end to capitalism and establish a socialist and a classless society in its stead.
The first country in the world to adopt the socialist doctrine was Russia. It was in 1917 that the Bolsheviks took power there. The Bolshevik party was a revolutionary and marxist party. It abolished the feudalism of the tsarist regime and put in its place a communist system. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 marked the end of the Cold War and the failure of state communism and the adoption of liberalism in Russia. (Please correct the use of tense as indicated in bold.)
هذا التمرين 1ص21
اما 4ص20فالحل من القاموس.يجي ان تحلوا وحدك.