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المواد العلمية و التقنية كل ما يخص المواد العلمية و التقنية: الرياضيات - العلوم الطبيعة والحياة - العلوم الفيزيائية - الهندسة المدنية - هندسة الطرائق - الهندسة الميكانيكية - الهندسة الكهربائية - إعلام آلي.

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قديم 2016-11-26, 20:16   رقم المشاركة : 1
معلومات العضو
ندى خضراوي
عضو فعّال
الصورة الرمزية ندى خضراوي


إحصائية العضو

Hot News1 مساعدة رجاءا

ارجوكم ساعدوني في مشروع الانجليزية الليلة بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييي يييييييييييييييييييز
how use the internt for beginners


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قديم 2016-11-26, 20:41   رقم المشاركة : 2
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اين انتم

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قديم 2016-11-26, 20:46   رقم المشاركة : 3
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عضو محترف
الصورة الرمزية عشريني متمرد


إحصائية العضو


اختي ندى دوك راني نراجع في الادب و نرسم في خرائط التاريخ
كي نكمل نشوف كيفاش نساعدك

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قديم 2016-11-26, 21:34   رقم المشاركة : 4
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الصورة الرمزية ندى خضراوي


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انا في الانتطار

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قديم 2016-11-26, 21:44   رقم المشاركة : 5
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اختي من فضلك اعطيني البرنامج السنوي نتاع الجغرافيا

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قديم 2016-11-26, 22:39   رقم المشاركة : 6
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عضو فعّال
الصورة الرمزية ندى خضراوي


إحصائية العضو


اين انتممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممم

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قديم 2016-11-26, 23:05   رقم المشاركة : 7
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الصورة الرمزية عشريني متمرد


إحصائية العضو


واااااش تحتاجي قولي

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قديم 2016-11-26, 23:07   رقم المشاركة : 8
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عضو فعّال
الصورة الرمزية ندى خضراوي


إحصائية العضو


نحتاج بحث فيه كيف نستعملو الانترنيت

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قديم 2016-11-26, 23:10   رقم المشاركة : 9
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إحصائية العضو


مالا اصبري سوي

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2016-11-26, 23:14   رقم المشاركة : 10
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عضو محترف
الصورة الرمزية عشريني متمرد


إحصائية العضو


1 - the task of terms before you start

Away from the complexities of the glossaries for their Internet terms, we have each term and flexible, easy manner can the average reader to understand

Internet or the so-called (Planet) (NET) is a computer network giant made up of smaller networks, so that anyone online can the Internet to wander in this network and to get all the information in the network (if allowed to do so) or to talk with another person anywhere in the world.

Web or WWW

Is an abbreviation for World Wid Web is a way to facilitate access to information on the Internet, they are more like a window that overlooks them on the Internet which is about pages written in a ******** (or symbols) called HTML, and you can view them in your PC through a special program called a browser (Browser)

Browser (Browser

Is a program that shows you the information in the Internet, where you can search for any information and access to any site on the Internet, and an inventory of your learning how to use this program you can sail in the space of the Internet, and months, Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers.

Internet site address or (URL)

We do not care knowledge of shortcuts as much understanding of the term, the Internet address is the indication of the whereabouts of the page or the number of pages on the Internet, and writes this address in the top of the browser window, and starts with [Dear Visitor you have to register to watch the link to sign up, click here]

For example, our address is ([Dear Visitor you have to register to watch the link to sign up, click here)


Shortcut Hyper ******** Markup ******** is the ******** that writes the phenomenon Internet pages in a browser, you can just learn to design a website, but after the emergence of easy software to design web pages has become a little to learn this ********.

Design Software

Special programs are easy to use you can design a page or pages on the Internet without having to learn HTML ********, the most famous of these programs Front Pgae

FTP File Transfer Protocol

, Simply is the way it sends out is designed web pages, the pages of the place where the preservation of these pages to the site which is owned by.


Scientific name that is where the files and pages from your computer to transfer a site online, (must be connected to the Internet)


Unlike the previous term, and take down the software from the Internet to the computer process.

E-mail (E mail)

One popular Internet services, through which you can send or receive any message to or from any user of the Internet (you must know his e-mail address and must be owned e-mail) and be the e-mail form ([Dear Visitor you have to register to watch the link to sign up, click here] or net). (@ Pronounce s)

So what is Hotmail (Hotmail)

Many novices believe that the Hotmail e-mail is the same as for frequent repetition of this word, and simply Hotmail is the site of a famous company made the first free email through the use of the Web. (If you remember Hotmail is not a term of Internet terms)

Search Engine Search Engines

Is a site on the Internet, a special program is used to search for information on the Internet, and most famous of these sites Yahoo Yahoo.com

Association or link Hyper Link

It is the text or image you can then click on it with the mouse to move to another page on the Internet.


It is any site on the Internet allows you to participate writing an article or reply to existing articles.


Meaning chat or direct dialogue

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قديم 2016-11-26, 23:15   رقم المشاركة : 11
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عضو محترف
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إحصائية العضو


2 - Browse the Internet

In these moments as you read these words, you are browsing the Internet, this program you are using now to view this page is called a web browser (Browser), and so this one works program (of course) must be connected to the Internet.
What types of browsers?

There are several types of browsers present in the markets most notably Microsoft's Explorer (Internet Explorer), followed by (Netscape) and available these programs in several versions, the more the version number whenever a new version, and a developer for that precedes it, and in almost every year put these two companies upgraded versions of their browsers .

How do I use the browser?

Once you browse this page and your arrival here, you are considered mm (at least) the principles of using any browser,

How do I read Arabic pages in a browser?

As you can read these words now, it means that your existing browser supports Arabic, but an increase in science We will explain important points:

There are two types of Arabic sites that use the Arabic ********:

Sites that use the Arabic ******** text, and features:

- The most prevalent (Our site uses this method)

- You can copy words found in the pages.

- Require the use of a browser reads (understand) the Arabic text

- Fast browsing

Sites that use the Arabic ******** in the form of images, and features:

- Less prevalent

- Does not require the use of a browser that supports the Arabic ******** (because any browser that can display photos)

- Slow browsing

- You can not copy words that are written (but you can save the photo)

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قديم 2016-11-26, 23:16   رقم المشاركة : 12
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إحصائية العضو


3 - e-mail

E-mail is a way to exchange messages over the Internet, and require that the sender and the receiver has a special e-mail address written like this:
anyname @ anycompany.com or net

P anycompany: it depends on the company or provider who gave you the e-mail account

And anyname: it depends on your choice for the user name when you get the e-mail account.

Types of E-mail:

There are two types:

- The type used special software to send and receive e-mail works and you are connected to the Internet, and the program should be available to you (and there are several programs)

- Type of so-called Web or free e-mail, and you can use it without the need for special software only bookmarking the Internet, and this is the reason for the spread of this kind.

How do I get an email?

1. For the first type often provides if you subscribe to the Internet service provider company that deals with Internet service, and should be available in the computer that has the program to use e-mail, and must know how to use the program.

2. The second type, you can get it to enter one of the sites that offer this service and registration has.

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قديم 2016-11-26, 23:17   رقم المشاركة : 13
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إحصائية العضو


4 - Search Network

Internet contains a wealth of information and countless pages and sites but this requires that there be a guide includes all these sites and facilitates the search process over the network .. That is why the search sites such as yahoo and altavista is one of the most famous sites across the network and search sites It is divided into two parts
A - signs Search:

Among the most famous evidence Yahoo ... Excite ... Magellan and can search these sites by topic or by key word

Search by topic:

These sites have been arranged in a manner easy inspection process based on a general topic and then narrow this range to specific topics branching Example: If you wanted to search for a topic related to football Select the general theme, which in turn contains the threads that are interested in this subject. It is sport .. After so you will see a list of different topics related to sports choose which football theme

Search by keyword:

This process is considered easier than the process of searching through a particular topic. Through which you can write a keyword search for the subject of Todd curse ..vtzar you automatically sites that care about this word names.

For example: if you wanted to search for sites that talk about football is the key word is here (soccer). And The wanted to search for sites talking about computer science word is key here is (Computer Science), but you have when you type a keyword writing this word without distances any you should call writing in this form (computer + science) Posting in the floor there is a vacuum means that the program will look for sites that talk about science in general and websites that talk about general computer.

B. search engines:

And months of research programs available in the network Altavista ... Lycos ... Infoseek .. and now that you know how to use the evidence search easier for you to identify the use of research programs.

And how to use search programs are exactly the same way you use search directories, but only through a keyword .. Enter the keyword in the available space and select the search command.

Search for Arabic sites:

It is the Search for Arabic sites of the most difficult things, and that the lack of engines or search sites that support (understand) the Arabic ********, and the most famous sites that support searches using Arabic characters (somewhat) AltaVista engine [Dear Visitor you have to register to watch the link to sign up, click here] .

But with the Internet sites and the Arab evolution appeared the need for an Arab search engines, the number of Arab engines that are considered primitive for search engines foreign afternoon but had a significant impact on the Zaroha facilitate the search of the Arab Internet user,

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قديم 2016-11-26, 23:18   رقم المشاركة : 14
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إحصائية العضو


5 - chat and dialogue

I think you got to Muradk, many beginners internet heard about this famous service namely, chat, dialogue neighborhood, and perhaps many people do not know from the Internet only this service, so we advise you in the Internet's Hospital is to try to take advantage of all the Internet services and move away from the addiction any area of ​​the Internet and a private chat or dialogue.
Let's start:

Chat or dialogue is the literal translation of the word Chat in English, since the Internet was the starting point for this service and a wide spread between the users of the network, where you can through this service to speak with anyone in the world, it provided that you be a linked to the Internet.

but how?

This service is simply divided into two types, the first type is the use of special software (some free, some not free) works and you are connected to the Internet The second way is to talk through the browser in private ********s for it.

Let's begin with the first way:

Dialogue programs:

This method requires the availability of the dialogue program (himself) two people in the two speakers, and that both parties are linked to the Internet, and Htak many programs that offer this service and shared by millions of humans.

Dialogue programs in turn are divided into two types:

- Traditional dialogue programs:

It relies on the appearance of screen (a screen browser) to debate where more than one person, and you can engage in dialogue with a particular person without Aarn others what is going on between you, the most famous of these programs MIRC

- Consolidated programs:

It is famous programs at the present time, and depends on the emergence of a small list of your computer screen with your friends (you must know their names or their numbers so that they belonged to a private list) and enables these programs to send a message to someone who is receives when entering the Internet and run this program, also offers some software to send files between interlocutors (beware of receiving any file from an unknown source or untrusted). Among the most famous of these programs ICQ, and AOL Instant Messenger

Dialogue sites:

This method is preferred by many people, especially the general device users rely on the use of the browser and be linked to the Internet, and provide this service a large number of foreign Web sites, as well as some Arab websites, This is the way for dialogue more serious dialogue programs (Type II) because there are some sites that host and it discusses the specialists in certain areas (such as medicine and health, for example) and allow visitors Bmnaakecthm, and useful websites that provide this service are [Dear visitor you have to register to watch the link to sign up, click here and chat.yahoo.com

It is famous Arab Web site Arab arena and address [Dear Visitor you have to register to watch the link to sign up, click here]
(Note that you may use the word dialogue in order to launch a third-party dialogue sites directly (Forum) or the so-called courtyards or platforms on the Internet and that is different from direct chat sites, so you can write an article or reply bug no post and discuss an important topic, and the ******** of the Arab arena offers the Arab user first once the two together two direct dialogue (IM or chat) in chat.alsaha.com dialogue and indirect (Forum) [Dear visitor you have to register to watch the link to sign up, click here]

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قديم 2016-11-26, 23:19   رقم المشاركة : 15
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إحصائية العضو


6 - How to design a page on the Internet

Without warning, there are three magic words that have defined will know how to design a web site (Think, design, publish) is an abbreviation of the steps that must be carried out to design a page (or pages) and published on the Internet.

What is the theme of your site and what are the things that Stzla on your site, select the goals of your site and the type of visitors who want them for your site


The site was designed using a different design methods in your device.


Looking for a place where publish your site (free) or own space on the Internet (non-free) and convey the files in your system, which was designed.

Flandechl little detail:

For the first step is something that you see, and the second step our task to explain them to you

the design:

There are two ways to design sites on the Internet, the first method requires knowledge of HTML The second way is by design software which is easier.

HTML does

You can move beyond, design programs are made to learn this ******** is not necessary,

Design Software

We recommend a beginner to learn one of the design programs because they are easy and simple, and most famous of these programs Front Page program and you can design the Arab pages.

(Any user of Windows has an upgraded version of FrontPage program you can use it like non-free version is somewhat called Front Page Express, lessons soon we will allocate for this version)


After you've finished designing your page on the Internet will need to be two things: first, to find space to publish your second way transfer of the site from your computer to this space.

Find Area:

Also, there are two ways depend on you, there are sites offering free space for personal sites and there are sites offering larger spaces (non-free)

File Transfer :

The way the files on the site that gave you space on the Internet transport, many of the free sites through which you can transfer files without bothering to use a special program, but in some ********s, you must have a special program called FTP to transfer files from your computer to the site.

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