تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حلول كتاب مادة الانجليزية السنة الثانية ثانوي

2009-03-14, 20:40
أرجوكم أدعولي لانني وجدت لكم حلول كتاب الانجليزية السنة الثانية ثانوي
من يريد أي تمرين من الكتاب يكته هنا وانا إنشاء الله اكتب له الحل
أرجوا التثبيت

2009-03-14, 20:50
اريد حلول تمارين كتاب كله

ارجوا منك ان تضع رابط للتحميل

ادعيلك ان شاء الله اوكي

2009-03-14, 20:56
أختي اأسفة لايمكن وضع الحلول كلها
وهذا ه الحلول اتيت بها من عند استاذتي

2009-03-20, 12:03
ألا تريدون الحلول ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

lara croft
2009-03-20, 14:07
اريد حل تمرين ص 96

بشرى ملاك
2009-03-20, 14:18
اين رابط التحمييييييل

2009-03-23, 10:55
Unit five
PREVIEW (p. 98)
Go through the preview to acquaint the students with the end-of-the unit objectives. Discuss the type of project work your students will carry out.
Introduce the topic of the unit by asking some questions about the pictures included in the rubric.
WORDS TO SAY (p. 99)
The focus in this activity is on words containing silent letters. The words are related to the topic of the unit. Read them aloud and make the students repeat the pronunciation of the words.
DISCOVERING ******** (100-105)
Interact with your students and elicit answers to the questions attached to the map. You can ask other questions than the ones included in the textbook.
Some possible responses
Question: Where is the epicentre of the earthquake represented on the map?
Answer: A few kilometres off the Indonesian shore.
Question: Which areas are hit by the earthquake/ tidal waves?
Answer: Many countries in the region. The students can list different areas.
Question: How many people died?
Answer: More than one hundred thousand victims. The students can give the number of casualties in each area. The information is on the map.
Question: When did the earthquake happen?
Answer: It occurd on December 26, 2004.
AS YOU READ (100-101)
Act. One (p.100)
The students will check the answers to the questions that they have not checked in Before you read activity.
Act. two (p. 101)
a- The natural phenomenon of Tsunami was little known before December
26, 2004 because the victims did not belong to many nationalities and ethnic groups. Or because it had not been given much publicity before .
b- Tsunami has become one of the most popular Japanese words because of the thousands of T.V. channels which covered the disaster for more than a month.
c- No, it wasn’t the first time that a Tsunami had hit that region. It had already hit China twenty years earlier.
d- The Tsunami of December 26, 2004 was special as its victims did not belong to one nationality or religion.

AFTER READING (pp.101-102)
Grammar desk (p.101)
1- had hit- had recessed
2- was known-was universal
3- the past perfect tense
4- the simple past tense
Refer the students to the Grammar refernce n° 12 to consolidate further the use of the past perfect and the past simple.
PRACTICE (p. 102)
Both the past simple and past perfect are sometimes possible.
a. My husband and I wept when we (had) heard/heard the terrible news.
b. The world had never known such a disaster before.
c. It was the first time that an earthquake of such a magnitude had hit our country.
d. People had stayed outdoors until the local authorities told them to go back into their homes.
e. Many people had died before the paramedics arrived.
f. Old people told us that our country had already experienced such a catastrophe.
g. By the time the fire brigade arrive, our house had burnt out.
h. I had just switched on TV to watch the news when the flood came in.
I. The house which he had built twenty times earlier was in fire.
Act. Two (p.102)
China- the Chinese ; France- The French ; Wales- The Welsh ;
Japan- The Japanese; Ireland- The Irish; The Spain- The Spaniards
Burma- The Burmese; The Netherlands- The Dutch
Switzerland- The Swiss ; Sweden- The Swede
Act. Three (p.102)
The people from Japan hadn’t suffered much from the tsunami.
The Japanese hadn’t suffered much from the tsunami.
a. The tsunami hadn’t distinguished between the poor and the rich.
b. The injured and the sick were taken to hospital.
c. Aid agencies gave food and water to the hungry and thirsty.
d. Th homeless were ****tered in tents.
اريد حل تمرين ص 96

2009-03-23, 11:02
أتمنى ان يكون هذا هو المطلوب

2009-03-25, 12:43
.................................................. ........................

2009-04-01, 13:40
السلام عليك و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته
هل استطيع ان اجد لديك بحث يتحدث عن كارثة طبيعية باللغة الانجليزية هذا البحث انا مستعجل به ارجو ان ترسله لي في اسرع الاوقات انا اتوسل لك

2009-04-01, 13:54
Homework page 125!!

2009-04-01, 20:16
Homework page 125!!

Act. One (p. 125)
a-The thief admitted that he had stolen the bag.
b-The mother prayed/begged the doctor to save her son.
c-She apologized for being late.
d-She ordered him to go there.
e-He suggested to go out for a walk.
f-She advised her girlfriend to consult a doctor.
g-She blamed him/her for breaking the vase.
h-Leila agreed that the flowers were really beautiful.
Act. Two (p.125)
Go through the rest of the reporting verbs in activity one. Then get your students to imagine situations like those in activity and to report what is said using the reporting verbs. This can be done either in class or at home.
Act one (p. 126)
Let the students interact and to decide on the correct order. Don’t correct their responses at this stage.


Act. Two(p. 126)
Students check their answers.
Act. Three (p.126)
The mistake consists of adding to the idiom had better and had better not.
The correct answers are in script n° 6, on page 184 of the textbook.
Listen 7273
YOUR TURN (p. 127)
Go through the tip box to consolidate further the expressions used in asking for and giving advice.

2009-04-01, 20:51
merci beaucoup ma soeur que dieu guide tes pats vers la réussite et le bonheur

2009-04-06, 18:50
حلول التمارين في الصفحة 85 و 87 و 88
في اسرع وقت من فضلك
و شكرا

2009-04-07, 11:02
تفضلو حلول الكتاب كامل

2009-04-09, 11:35
حلول التمارين في الصفحة 85 و 87 و 88
في اسرع وقت من فضلك
و شكرا

Act. One (p.85)
The activity can be assigned as a homework. The homework will be checked in class and the final product can be a classroom wall sheet. You can add another activity to consolidate further the use of the suffixes.
Act. Two(p.85)
Crossword puzzle p.85
a-psychology -b-mathematics -c-zoology
d-astronomy -e-biology –f ecology -g-chemisty
Act. One
a- The advert addresses high school graduates.
b- “Open Day” is the day when the university is open for visit by high
school graduates who are interested to join the university.
Act. Two (p.86)
a- The speakers are Jamel and Maya who are high school students.
b- Jamel.
c- He starts as follows: “I feel like going”.
d- Jamel wants to visit the faculty of medicine.
e- Maya wants to visit the faculty of civil engineering because she isn’t
interested in visiting the faculty of medicine.
YOUR TURN ( p.87)
Go through the tip box to consolidate further the use of the ******** exponents for asking for and giving advice.
Act. One
Simulate the model dialogue before setting your students to task. Make them use the ******** exponents and the strategies in the tip box.

2009-04-11, 21:25
أرجو المساعدة فأنا في حاجة ماسة اليه غدا

2009-04-11, 22:52
من فضلك يا أخت نسرين أريد حل التمرين 1 صفحة 91الرجاء إرساله اليوم إذا أمكن

2009-04-12, 10:25
ارجو حلول الوحدة 4

2009-04-13, 18:57
a. My husband and I wept when we (had) heard/heard the terrible news.
a()b. The world had never known such a disaster before.
c. It was the first time that an earthquake of such a magnitude had hit our country.
d. People had stayed outdoors until the local authorities told them to go back into their homes.
e. Many people had died before the paramedics arrived.
f. Old people told us that our country had already experienced such a catastrophe.
g. By the time the fire brigade arrive, our house had burnt out.
h. I had just switched on TV to watch the news when the flood came in.
I. The house which he had built twenty times earlier was in fire

sorry but this one is full of mistakes.....the past perfect is used with the past simple only to distinguish between the first and the second actions.....

2009-04-13, 21:56

2009-04-17, 15:45
write it up

2009-04-18, 16:41
si tu pe tu m donè les rèponses de la page 126 127 128

مريم وفاء
2009-04-21, 18:55
اريد مساعدة في انجاز البحث للسنة الثانية ثانوي اداب وفلسفة في مادة الانجليزية ص 132

2009-04-24, 06:14
ارجو المساعدة في بحث ص 123

2009-07-27, 14:59
merci mais stp cé t veut donne moi la corréction de tous les éxercices de livre stp

خديجة عمري
2009-08-01, 18:43
اريد حلول كل الكتاب من فضلكم

هشام دينو
2009-08-03, 09:55
بارك الله فيك

2009-08-14, 01:34
merci machkooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore

طهراوي نبيل
2009-09-26, 16:22
الرابط لا يعمل ممكن تعطيني رابط أخر من فضلك

المخضرم العربي
2009-09-27, 21:59
يمكن تعطيني رابط آخر

المخضرم العربي
2009-09-27, 22:00
من فضلك بسرعة لأنني محتاجو ضروري

2009-09-28, 16:52
بارك الله فيك
ربي يوفقك

moli secret
2009-09-28, 18:10
انا حاولت اكثر من الف مرة تحميل ملفات من روابط مختلفة لكن لايمكنني فتح الملف فهل لك ان تدلني على الطريقة و حلول unit 01 في الانجليزية انتظرالرد ok

sidahmed 01
2009-09-28, 18:45
page 51 s'il vous plai

2009-09-28, 20:34
الصفحات الخمسة الاولى من فضلك

2009-09-29, 15:28
hi how are you ? plz i want the exercise page 40 and 41 please

goual mohamed
2009-09-29, 17:01
اين رابط التحمييييييل

سارة مارية
2009-09-30, 18:15
من فضلكم حل تمرين الثالث من كتاب اللغة الانجليزية لسنة الثانية ثانوي بسرعة انا مستعجلة من فضلكم مشكوورين يا حلوين

سارة مارية
2009-09-30, 18:16
تمرين الثالث صفحة 17 من فضلكم بسرعة انا مستعجلة

khaled 2010
2009-10-03, 10:39
حل التمرين 1 و 2 صفحة 40 (http://www.djelfa.info/vb/member.php?u=217184)

amoura h
2009-10-04, 10:52
شكرا جزيلا

2009-10-04, 22:55
تفضلو حلول الكتاب كامل

marahch y3edi je pense lien ghalet virifyih b1 stp

2009-10-04, 22:57
ma soeur nessrine stp dis moi kel branche liraki t7elilhom fles exercices ??

2009-10-06, 16:17

2009-10-06, 20:17
جزاك الله خيرا لكن بليز قولي لي السنة الثانية ثانوي في إختصاص ماذا

2009-10-07, 12:35
اريد حل التمرين الأول ص43

2009-10-07, 19:41
بعد بسمـ الله الرحمن الرحيمـ
و الصلاة و السلامـ على رسول الله الكريمـ و على آله و سحبه و على من تبعهمـ بإحسان الى يومـ الدين
أحييكمـ بتحية الإسلامـ
السلامـ عليكمـ و رحمة الله




شكرا لكم على تعاونكم هذا و إليك الحل :
Act. I
Your students can be asked to bring out print-outs of other abbreviations/acronyms from the Internet to the classroom. They will make a synthesis of the major organisations concerned with peace and human relief all across the world and make a classroom wall sheet . You can check the pronunciation of the acronms/abbreviations in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English or in the Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Encyclopedic Dictionary. Please remember that some of the abbreviations/acronyms can stand for various organisations. Those suggested here are not necessarily the ones that your students will suggest.

Full form
United Nations Relief Works Agency
The UNWRA is the U.N organization which brings relief to people in need.

American Broadcasting Company
ABC is one of the four most important TV channels in the United States of America.
Atomic bomb
A bomb which derives its destructive power from the rapid release of energy by fission of
heavy atomic nuclei. The first atomic bomb to be used was dropped on Hiroshima , Japan on 6 August 1945 by the USA.
Agency for International Development
British Broadcasting Corporation
Central Intelligence Agency
Cable News Network
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federation Internationale de Football Association (International Association Football Association)
Great Britain
Great Britain comprises ...
Middle East Broadcasting Company
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
National Basketball Association
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Doctor of Philosophy

Parent-teacher Association / Passenger Transport Authority
United Kingdom
World Boxing Association
http://www.lakii.com/vb/smile/9-28.gif تقبلوا مروري أخوكم في الله : محمد

2009-10-07, 20:02
اريد حل تمارين 2و3ص40و41
وتمارين ص 42و43
في اقرب وقت


2009-10-08, 17:15
ديري الخير واعطيني رابط تحميل تع الكتبا علاه راكي اديري هاكدا

2009-10-09, 11:52
plz i want the exercices page 46 and 47

2009-10-09, 16:43

2009-10-10, 11:20
Act. One (p.40)

The students will practise the use of the modals can/could and their

irregular forms by doing a completion activity
a. The League of Nations cannot impose economic sanctions on warlike nations.

b. Germany will be able to join the Security Council soon because it is the third economic power in the world.

c. The UN General Assembly can only make recommendations to the
Security Council. It cannot make decisions.

d. The United Nations Organization has not been able to create a permanent military force yet.

e. Dag Hammarskjold, who served as Secretary General of the UN from
1953 to 1961, was able to organize peacekeeping task forces.

f. UN peacekeeping troops, called ‘blue helmets’, can use force only for

temporary self-defence purposes. They can maintain peace, but they can not prevent war.

g. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(UNESCO) was able to launch its Peace Programme only after the end of the Cold War.

Act. Two (p.40

In this activity, your students will identify the different functions that can be expressed by the modals can and could. You can tell your students to write sentences of their own to express the same functions using the same modals.


Column A
Column B
1. Can you hear what he’s saying?
2. We could build a culture of peace by being more tolerant.
3. Contrary to what some people think, women can be tall
and strong.
4. “I’ve hurt her feelings. What shall I do ?”
“Well, you could apologize to her.”
5. I wonder if you could come here and talk it over.
6. At the age of 17, you can take your driving licence
with your parents’ consent, but you can’t vote.
7. Don’t lean out of this window; you could fall down.
8. Can I help you?
a. ability
b. possibility
c. possibility
d. suggestion
e. request
f. permission
g. warning
h. offer

Act. Three (p.41)

The aim of this activity is to illustrate the idea of achievement inherent to the use of the irregular form of can was able/were able to.
You: Did you convince them?
Your partner :Yes. It was difficult. But we were able to do it in the end.
The answers are not necessarily the ones given in this key.
You: Did they settle the dispute?
Your partner: Yes, it took them a lot of time of negotiation, but they
were able to reach an agreement at the last minute of the discussion.
You: The exercise was difficut, wasn’t it?
Your partner: Yes, we were able to solve it thanks to the collaboration of everybody.
You: My car broke down in a forest road.
Your partner: Were you able to repair it and drive back home?

2009-10-10, 11:28
Act. One (p. 45)

The answers are not necessarily the ones given in this answer key.

A- Your partner: Sorry, I should have asked for your permission.

B- Your partner: He shouldn’t have done that.

C- Your partner: He shouldn’t have borrowed it without your permission.

D- Your partner: I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.

Act. Two (p.46


A- O

B- D

C- D

Have your students write similar sentences to express deduction and obligation.

WRITE IT UP (46-47)

Brainstorm the difficult vocabulary in the box before setting the students to task. Refer the students to the Grammar Reference n° 9 on page 198 before you set them to task.

Possible key

- We have to tolerate difference.

- We have to respect each other.

- We have to keep cool.

- We shouldn’t shout at each other.

- We should learn to listen to each other.

- We mustn’t impose ourselves on others.

- We shouldn’t cheat at exams.

- We should accept the opinions of others

- We shouldn’t insult others.


We needn’t /don’t need to always agree with each other

- We don’t have to be violent.

-We should settle disputes peacefully.



Act. Two (p.46)

Possible acrostics

P: Pay more attention to others.

E: Engage in non-violent compaigns/actions.

A: Act peacefully.

C: Collect signatures to end war and violence in the world.

E:Express disagreement for conflicts.

D: Do actions according to the law of your country.

E: Engage in campaigns for the freedom of speech.

M- Make protest against anti- social measures.

O: Organise yourselves in committees to fight against injustice

C: Collect funds for the election of your candidate.

R: Respect the rights of others.

A: Act against poverty.

C: Care about the homeless.

Y:Yell out your solidarity with people in need of justice.

2009-10-10, 11:37
Act.Three (p.47)

Work hard
Respect the opinion of others
Tolerate differences
Respect the rights of others
Promote a culture of peace
Co-operate to solve problems
Express opinions
Meet together to express views
Free education
Good working conditions
Health care


The class charter can be presented in the form of a wall sheet. Refer the students to the text on page 56 ( Exploring matters further).

Suggested answers:

Article One: Rights

a- Children have the right to get free education.

b- Children have the right to meet together to express views.

c- The school autuorities must offer good working conditions.

d- The school autuorities mustn’t discriminate among children.

e- The parent-Teacher Association has the right to express opinion about the educational policy.


Article Two: Duties and Responsibilities

a- We have the duty to respect the opinions of others

b- We must work hard.

c- We shall tolerate differences.

d- We mustn’t be the cause of school disorder.


Act. One (p.48)

Interact with your students by asking questions about the picture. You can add other questions to the checklist.

a- The picture represents a slave ship. ( Please, talk about slave trade.)

b- I think that the ship is in Africa, and it is going to America.

c- Geoge Washington, first U. S President ; July 1783: Independence Abraham Lincoln ( US President) ; 1861-1865 : American Civil War; Martin Luther King Jr 1963. One of the leaders of the Civil Rights movement;

August 1963, March of 200,000 people on Washington DC to demand racial equaliry. (Discuss further these points in class monitoring the discussion towards racial issues in the US.)

Act. Two (p.48)

a. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the Black American leaders of

the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. ( The students can suggest other answers.)

b- He hoped/wished his children to be free from racial prejudice.

c- The author/Martin Luther King repeats words, phrases and ideas: “I have

a dream”, “one day”,”we’ll be able to”…

He uses an oratorical style in order to stimulate his audience; to get the

audience to feel the injustice of racial discrimination and segretation .

d- Yes, because it is full of hope. (The students can suggest other ideas.)

Act. Three (p.49)

The aim of this activity is to develop the students’ dictionary skills.


Address: speech or talk to an audience.

Can: ability or capacity to do something

Spiritual: a religious song as sung by Negroes in the USA.

Choice of words from the speech: character n. 1- ( of a person, community, race,…etc) mental or moral qualities that make one person ,race, etc different from others; 2- moral strength; 3-person who is well known; 4- letter, mark used in a system of writing or printing.

Day; 4th, 3839

WRITE IT OUT ( p.50)

Before assigning the writing activity to your students, first go through the tip box .Then brainstorm the age limits . The students will take the jottings that you will make on the board to write their speech/address. Martin Luther King’s address will be taken as a model.


Skills check (p.52)


QUESTION ONE ( Key: The correct answer is D.)

What is the main idea of this passage/song? Circle the correct answer.

A.An American soldier is fighting for the Vietnam war.

B.The Mexican-American war

C. Thoreau and Mark Twain are ashamed of America.

D .A young man refuses to fight for American wars.

QUESTION TWO ( Key: Statements A. and C. are false.)

Circle true or false. When false, give the correct information.

A. The young man attended the college graduation. T. F.

B. He is ashamed of being American. T. F.

C. He marched against the Vietnam war at twenty. T. F.

Written comprehension

In no more than 20 lines, say why the author does not like wars.

abed el hamid
2009-10-10, 12:45
رابط التحميل لايعمل اولم أرفله أرجو المساعدة

abed el hamid
2009-10-10, 12:46
تصحيح (لم اعرف له)

khadidja judo
2009-10-10, 13:12
اريد حلول تمارين كتاب كله

الحمامة البيضاء
2009-10-10, 13:28
activity 2 page 19

همسات الشوق
2009-10-10, 16:47
موفقين جميعآ

الحمامة البيضاء
2009-10-10, 17:04
أنا محتاجة لتمرين 2 ص 19 ليوم الغد

2009-10-10, 17:05
تمرين ص 43 رقم2
و ص 41 تع poeme oki et mrc d'avance

مي الهدى
2009-10-10, 18:04
اريد حل تمرين 2 ص41 منفضلك مستعجلة ومشكور مسبقاااااااا

2009-10-12, 19:26
من فضلكم اريد حلول تمارين صفحة 45و48 في اسرع وقت شكرا

نبيل نون
2009-10-13, 12:56
أريد حل تمارين صفحة 88

2009-10-13, 19:56
اريد حل التمرين الثاني صفحة ثلاثة واربعون

امورة العالم
2009-10-14, 00:24
اريد حل تمارين صفحة 22 بسرعة ارجوكي

2009-10-14, 19:41
اريد ارجوكككككككككككك حل تمرين 1 ص 40

امورة العالم
2009-10-15, 13:21
اريد حل التمارين 25-25-26-27 ارجوكي في اسرع وقت ممكن والله يحفظك

2009-10-15, 21:04
اريد حل التمرين 15

abed el hamid
2009-10-16, 11:27
اين الرابط الربط دي لايعمل لاتتلاعبو بنا

2009-10-16, 14:34
اريد حلول تمارين كتاب كله
لماذاا لا تجيبي؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

2009-10-16, 16:43
:sdf:i want the correction of the exercice4-5 p44-45 cuickly please:sdf:

2009-10-17, 11:47
P 26 and 27
adab w falsafa plz

2009-10-17, 12:01
أريد حل تمارين الصفحة 43 .

2009-10-17, 12:05
من فضلكم أريد حل التمرين الأول الصفحة 43 . مستعجل من فضلكم .

2009-10-17, 12:36
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

بارك الله فيك ختي على هذا اموضوع الرائـع..
ممكـن حـلول Home Work صفحـة 43

2009-10-18, 18:06
اليكم ما وجدت عن حل تمرين1 ص 43

Full form
United Nations Relief Works Agency
The UNWRA is the U.N organization which brings relief to people in need.
American Broadcasting Company
ABC is one of the four most important TV channels in the United States of America.
Atomic bomb
A bomb which derives its destructive power from the rapid release of energy by fission of
heavy atomic nuclei. The first atomic bomb to be used was dropped on Hiroshima , Japan on 6 August 1945 by the USA.
Agency for International Development
British Broadcasting Corporation
Central Intelligence Agency
Cable News Network
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federation Internationally de Football Association (International Association Football Association)
Great Britain
Great Britain comprises ...
Middle East Broadcasting Company
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
National Basketball Association
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Doctor of Philosophy
Parent-teacher Association / Passenger Transport Authority
United Kingdom
World Boxing Association

2009-10-20, 18:35
اريد جميع حلول تمارين كتاب المدرسي لمادة الانجليزية الثانية ثانوي وورينا شطارتك

2009-10-20, 20:00
اريد حل جميع تمارين الكتاب ارجووووووووكم لوجه الله .....help me plz

نعيمة المشاغبة
2009-10-23, 13:42
In no more than 20 lines, say why the author does not like wars

2009-10-24, 16:57
اريد expresion ecrit page 50

2009-10-24, 17:02
lمن فضلك اختي لم يعد لي وقت لحله

2009-10-24, 17:37

http://www.up.4pnc.com/up/uploads/images/4pnc-256e1be905.gif (http://www.up.4pnc.com/up/uploads/images/4pnc-256e1be905.gif)

السلام عليكم يا إخوان
أعلنكم يجب عليكم أن تتصفحوا هذا الموضوع جيدا لأني و ضعت فيه هذه الحلول .
و من المفترض أن لا تعيدوا نفس الاجوبة ...
و ان شاء الله ايكون هناك حلول جديدة يا اخوان لذا تقيدوا بهذا من فضلكم ....
فإن بحثتم جيدا ستجدون الحلول هنا ............... و سنأتي بالجديد من بعد .

أخوكم في الله محمد .

http://www.up.4pnc.com/up/uploads/images/4pnc-256e1be905.gif (http://www.up.4pnc.com/up/uploads/images/4pnc-256e1be905.gif)

بنت algeria
2009-10-26, 21:20
اريد بعض الامثلة عن درس the homonyms بالانجليزية ارجوكم بسرعة

2009-10-27, 18:15
شكرا جزييييييييييلا

2009-10-27, 18:17
شكرا شكرا شكرا

2009-10-30, 15:22
من فضلكم الرابط لا يعمل وانا في حاجة لهذه الحلول

2009-11-02, 15:49
thak you that
what i need

sadouki ibrahim
2009-11-02, 18:46
اريد حلول تمارين ص ئ69و70و71و80

2009-11-02, 21:19
شكرا وجزاك الله خيرا ارجو ان توفقي في دراستك

2009-11-03, 13:15
prject page 51

المحبة لرسول الله
2009-11-03, 15:37
جزاك الله كل الخيرات وجعل الله عملك هدا في ميزان حسناتك
وفقك الله في دربك
شكرا اخي

عبد الحليم بن
2009-12-04, 11:06
أريد حل تمرين 2ص 43 فب أسرع وقت

2009-12-06, 17:41
أرجوك أختي نسرين تمرين 1 صفحة 45 الله يحفظك ويطول في عمرك
لازم الحل اليوم

2010-01-05, 21:11
Ttp box p.50
thank u

2010-01-06, 22:45
stp exercice page 68 et 69

2010-01-06, 23:13
اريد حل المشروع صفحة 72
مشكورة مسبقا

اللؤلؤة الخضراء
2010-01-08, 13:33
:sdf::sdf:اريدحل التمرين 2الصفحة 71:sdf:

اللؤلؤة الخضراء
2010-01-08, 13:50
اريد حل التمرين 2 الصفحة 71

2010-01-09, 14:40
الاخت صاحبة الموضوع انت انانية .لماذا لا تعطينى الرابظ مباشرة واضح من خلال الحل انه ليس حل استاذ .
يجب عليك ان تحبي لاخيك ماتحبيه لنفسك

2010-01-10, 13:03
اريد بحث عن التلوث بالانجليزية

2010-01-10, 13:40
ممكن حل التمرين 1و2 صفحة 71 وبسرعة من فضلكم

اللؤلؤة الخضراء
2010-01-10, 16:50
ارجوكم حل التمرين2 الصفحة71 من كتاب الانجليزية الثانية لغات

2010-01-10, 18:45
هاكي ختي لؤلؤة اتواصلي معايا انا نقرا لغات 2

Act. Two (p.71)
The students will write the whole paragraph on their portfolios indicating the various functions of the sentences.
1. f - 2. k - 3-i 4. g - 5. d - 6.a - 7.c - 8. e - 9.b - 10.h

2010-01-10, 18:46
اتفضلي ختي امينة

WRITE IT OUT ( p.71)
Act.One (p.71)
A sentence is missing in the list of scrambled sentences. Give it to the students before you start brainstorming the topic related to the sentences. The sentence runs as follows : At least two great civilizations (establish) there.
a. Throughout the world, deserts are created because pastures near arid lands heavily are grazed and trampled.
b. Around towns, adjacent forest belts are denuded by people in their search for firewood.
c. More productive plants are introduced into semi-arid lands. As a result, indigenous plants necessary for the maintenance of the soil are nudged out.
d. Many people think that desertification is caused only by a change in climate, but the truth is that deserts are provoked by human actions.
e. Because of intensive production of cash crops like cotton and groundnuts, soil nutrients are dissipated and the topsoil is eroded by wind and water.
f. A long time ago, history was made in the deserts.
g. Today, about 140 million people are threatened by the spread of the desert caused through the interaction of climatic fluctuations and man’s abuse of his environment.
h. Desertification must be stopped now, otherwise deserts will be transformed into a curse for man soon.
i. These civilizations were built in deserts because people knew how to live in harmony with nature.
k. At least two great civilizations were established there.
Act. Two (p.71)
The students will write the whole paragraph on their portfolios indicating the various functions of the sentences.
1. f - 2. k - 3-i 4. g - 5. d - 6.a - 7.c - 8. e - 9.b - 10.h

2010-01-10, 18:47
اللي راه باغي كاش تمرين يوقووووووولي هدا ماكان

2010-01-12, 17:31
yacinedbz (http://www.djelfa.info/vb/member.php?u=154611) مشكوووووووووووووووور اخي على رابط التجميل بارك الله فيك

2010-01-13, 18:19
ارجوك اريد حلول كتاب اللغة الانجليزية كاملا و بالتوفيق ان شاء الله

2010-01-13, 18:20
اللهم وفقه في طريق العلم

لبي بلال
2010-01-15, 20:32
:sdf:من فضلكم أريد حلول تمارين لكتاب مادة العلوم الطبيعية لسنة 2ثانوي أرجو من كل من يعرف رابط أو أي معلومة عن هذا أن يضع الرابط في المنتدى وشكراً.

2010-01-16, 17:21
hgssghl ugdml

ممكن حلولتمارين 1 و 2 ص 82 عاجل واللي يخليك حبوبة

2010-01-23, 21:37
حل تمرين 1 صفحة 85 من فظلك

قطر الندى18
2010-01-29, 16:31
yacinedbz (http://www.djelfa.info/vb/member.php?u=154611)شكرا اخي اتمنى ان ييسر لك في كل حياتك ان شاء الله والله افدتنا

قطر الندى18
2010-01-29, 16:56
بليز بلييييييييييييييييييز حل التمرين ص85 راني محتاجاه عاجلا غير اجلا اطلب من عنده الحل ان يساعدني لا تبخلو علي انا جديدة ضيفوني بالحل انا ممتنة لكم

قطر الندى18
2010-01-29, 16:59
بلييييييييز ساعدوني راني في حيرة وكترث عليا التمارين تمرين الانجليزية ص85 الثانية ثانوي

قطر الندى18
2010-01-29, 17:03
اخي ياسين ممكن تشرح كيف احمل من الرابط لاني لم افهم

2010-01-29, 18:04
thank you uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

2010-01-29, 18:07
اضغطي عليه

2010-01-30, 19:47
svp je veux ex page 63

2010-01-31, 17:32
السلام عليكم أريد تعبيرا حول التلوث أخي ،فهل هو ممكن

2010-02-01, 20:33

2010-02-01, 20:35
من فضلك أريد حلول ص 67

2010-02-03, 17:04
اريد حل التمرين 1 ص 85 الانجليزية ثانية ثانوي بللللللللييييييييييييييييز

2010-02-03, 17:22
راكم غير تهفو فينا
الرابط لا يعمل

2010-02-04, 11:50
من فضلك أريد حل التمرين 1 ص 88

2010-02-04, 17:52
من فضلكم اريد بحث عن التلوث

2010-02-12, 21:50
اجمل هندسة في الحياة ان تبني جسرا من الامل فوق بحيرة من الياس

2010-02-12, 21:52
ادا ضاقت بك الدنيا فلا تقل ياربي لي هم كبير ولكن قل يا هم لي رب كبير

2010-02-12, 21:57
سل الطبيب تخطفته يد الردى من يا طبيب بطبه ارداك
وسل المريض شوفي وعوفي بعدما عجزت فنون الطب من عافاك
واسال بطون النحل تقاطرت شهدا وسل االشهد من حلاك
وادا رايت الثعبان ينفث سما فسل من دا الدي بالسموم حشاك
واسال كيف تعيش يا ثعبان وتحيا وهدي السموم تملا فاك
فالحمد لله العظيم لداته حمدا فليس لي واحد الاك

2010-02-13, 11:46
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Ecosystem) i.e. physical systems or living organisms.[1] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-0) Pollution can take the form of chemical substances (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Chemical_substance) or energy (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Energy), such as noise, heat, or light. Pollutants, the elements of pollution, can be foreign substances or energies, or naturally occurring; when naturally occurring, they are considered contaminants when they exceed natural levels. Pollution is often classed as point source (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Point_source_pollution) or nonpoint source pollution (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Nonpoint_source_pollution). The Blacksmith Institute (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Blacksmith_Institute) issues annually a list of the world's worst polluted places. In the 2007 issues the ten top nominees are located in Azerbaijan (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Azerbaijan), China (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/People%27s_Republic_of_China), India (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/India), Peru (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Peru), Russia (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Russia), Ukraine (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Ukraine) and Zambia (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Zambia).
The major forms of pollution are listed below along with the particular pollutants relevant to each of them:
Air pollution (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Air_pollution), the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Common gaseous air pollutants include carbon monoxide (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Carbon_monoxide), sulfur dioxide (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Sulfur_dioxide), chlorofluorocarbons (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Chlorofluorocarbon) (CFCs) and nitrogen oxides (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Nitrogen_oxide) produced by industry (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Industry) and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Ozone) and smog (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Smog) are created as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Hydrocarbon) react to sunlight. Particulate matter (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Particulate_matter), or fine dust is characterized by their micrometre (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Micrometre) size PM10 to PM2.5.
Water pollution (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Water_pollution), by the release of waste products and contaminants into surface runoff (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Surface_runoff) into river drainage systems, leaching into groundwater (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Groundwater), liquid spills, wastewater (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Wastewater) discharges, eutrophication (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Eutrophication) and littering.
Soil contamination (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Soil_contamination) occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage. Among the most significant soil contaminants (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Soil_contaminant) are hydrocarbons (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Hydrocarbon), heavy ****ls (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Heavy_****ls), MTBE (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/MTBE),[7] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-6) herbicides (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Herbicides), pesticides (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Pesticides) and chlorinated hydrocarbons (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Chlorinated_hydrocarbons).
Littering (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Littering)
Radioactive contamination (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Radioactive_contamination), resulting from 20th century activities in atomic physics (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Atomic_physics), such as nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons research, manufacture and deployment. (See alpha emitters (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Alpha_emitter) and actinides in the environment (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Actinides_in_the_environment).)
Noise pollution (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Noise_pollution), which encompasses roadway noise (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Roadway_noise), aircraft noise (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Aircraft_noise), industrial noise (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Industrial_noise) as well as high-intensity sonar (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Sonar).
Light pollution (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Light_pollution), includes light trespass, over-illumination (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Over-illumination) and astronomical (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Astronomical) interference.
Visual pollution (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Visual_pollution), which can refer to the presence of overhead power lines (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Electric_power_transmission), motorway billboards (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Billboard_(advertising)), scarred landforms (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Landform) (as from strip mining (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Strip_mining)), open storage of trash or municipal solid waste (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Municipal_solid_waste).
Thermal pollution (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Thermal_pollution), is a temperature (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Temperature) change in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power plant.
[edit (http://www.djelfa.info/w/index.php?title=Pollution&action=edit&section=5)] Pollutants[edit (http://www.djelfa.info/w/index.php?title=Pollution&action=edit&section=6)] Sources and causes
Air pollution comes from both natural and man made sources. Though globally man made pollutants from combustion, construction, mining, agriculture and warfare are increasingly significant in the air pollution equation.[8] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-7)
Motor vehicle emissions are one of the leading causes of air pollution.[9]HYPERLINK \l "cite_note-9"[10]HYPERLINK \l "cite_note-10"[11] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-8) China (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/China), United States (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/United_States), Russia (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Russia), Mexico (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Mexico), and Japan (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Japan) are the world leaders in air pollution emissions. Principal stationary pollution sources include chemical plants (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Chemical_plant), coal-fired power plants (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Power_plants), oil refineries (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Oil_refinery),[12] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-Aqueous-11) petrochemical (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Petrochemical) plants, nuclear waste (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Nuclear_waste) disposal activity, incinerators, large livestock farms (dairy cows, pigs, poultry, etc.), PVC (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Polyvinyl_chloride) factories, ****ls production factories, plastics factories, and other heavy industry. Agricultural air pollution comes from contemporary practices which include clear felling and burning of natural vegetation as well as spraying of pesticides and herbicides[13] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-12)
About 400 million metric tons of hazardous wastes (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Hazardous_waste) are generated each year.[14] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-13) The United States (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/United_States) alone produces about 250 million metric tons.[15] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-14) Americans constitute less than 5% of the world's population (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/World%27s_population), but produce roughly 25% of the world’s CO2 (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/CO2),[16] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-15) and generate approximately 30% of world’s waste (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Waste).[17]HYPERLINK \l "cite_note-17"[18] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-16) In 2007, China (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/People%27s_Republic_of_China) has overtaken the United States as the world's biggest producer of CO2.[19] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-18)
In February 2007, a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), representing the work of 2,500 scientists from more than 130 countries, said that humans have been the primary cause of global warming since 1950. Humans have ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions and avoid the consequences of global warming, a major climate report concluded. But in order to change the climate, the transition from fossil fuels like coal and oil needs to occur within decades, according to the final report this year from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).[20] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-19)
Some of the more common soil (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Soil) contaminants are chlorinated hydrocarbons (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Chlorinated_hydrocarbon) (CFH), heavy ****ls (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Heavy_****ls) (such as chromium (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Chromium), cadmium (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Cadmium)--found in rechargeable batteries (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Nickel-cadmium_battery), and lead (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Lead)--found in lead paint (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Paint), aviation fuel (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Aviation_fuel) and still in some countries, gasoline (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Gasoline)), MTBE (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/MTBE), zinc (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Zinc), arsenic (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Arsenic) and benzene (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Benzene). In 2001 a series of press reports culminating in a book called Fateful Harvest (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Fateful_Harvest) unveiled a widespread practice of recycling industrial byproducts into fertilizer, resulting in the contamination of the soil with various ****ls. Ordinary municipal landfills (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Landfill) are the source of many chemical substances entering the soil environment (and often groundwater), emanating from the wide variety of refuse accepted, especially substances illegally discarded there, or from pre-1970 landfills that may have been subject to little control in the U.S. or EU. There have also been some unusual releases of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Polychlorinated_dibenzodioxins), commonly called dioxins for simplicity, such as TCDD (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/TCDD).[21] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-20)
Pollution can also be the consequence of a natural disaster. For example, hurricanes (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Hurricane) often involve water contamination from sewage, and petrochemical (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Petrochemical) spills from ruptured boats (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Boat) or automobiles (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Automobile). Larger scale and environmental damage is not uncommon when coastal oil rigs (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Oil_rigs) or refineries (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Refinery) are involved. Some sources of pollution, such as nuclear power (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Nuclear_power) plants or oil tankers (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Oil_tanker), can produce widespread and potentially hazardous releases when accidents occur.
In the case of noise pollution (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Noise_pollution) the dominant source class is the motor vehicle (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Motor_vehicle), producing about ninety percent of all unwanted noise worldwide.

Main article: Pollutant (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Pollutant)
[edit (http://www.djelfa.info/w/index.php?title=Pollution&action=edit&section=8)] Human health

Overview of main health effects on humans from some common types of pollution.[U][22]HYPERLINK \l "cite_note-22"[23]HYPERLINK \l "cite_note-23"[24] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-21)
Adverse air quality (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Air_quality) can kill many organisms including humans. Ozone pollution can cause respiratory disease (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Respiratory_disease), cardiovascular disease (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Cardiovascular_disease), throat (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Throat) inflammation, chest pain, and congestion (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Nasal_congestion). Water pollution causes approximately 14,000 deaths per day, mostly due to contamination of drinking water (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Drinking_water) by untreated sewage (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Sewage) in developing countries (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Developing_countries). An estimated 700 million Indians (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/India) have no access to a proper toilet, and 1,000 Indian children die of diarrhoeal sickness every day.[25] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-creaking-24) Nearly 500 million Chinese lack access to safe drinking water.[26] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-25) 656,000 people die prematurely each year in China (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/People%27s_Republic_of_China) because of air pollution. In India (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/India), air pollution is believed to cause 527,700 fatalities a year.[27] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-26) Studies have estimated that the number of people killed annually in the US could be over 50,000.[28] (http://www.djelfa.info/l%20cite_note-27)
Oil spills can cause skin (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Human_skin) irritations and rashes (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Rash). Noise pollution induces hearing loss (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Hearing_loss), high blood pressure (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/High_blood_pressure), stress (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Stress_(medicine)), and sleep disturbance (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Sleep_disturbance). Mercury (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Mercury_poisoning) has been linked to developmental deficits (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Developmental_disorder) in children and neurologic (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Neurology) symptoms. Older people are majorly exposed to diseases induced by air pollution. Those with heart or lung disorders are under additional risk. Children and infants are also at serious risk. Lead (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Lead_poisoning) and other heavy ****ls (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Toxic_****l) have been shown to cause neurological problems. Chemical and radioactive (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Radioactive) substances can cause (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Carcinogen) cancer (http://www.djelfa.info/wiki/Cancer) and
هدا عن التلوث

2010-02-20, 19:32
exercice page 88 of English
محتاجو غدا

Dear ..................

مالكس لقبايلي
2010-07-30, 13:26
Oh, thank you

2010-09-20, 16:31
سلام الله عليكم ،،
أنا أريد حل التمرينين 1 و 2 ص 16 و 17

عصفورة الكناري
2010-10-05, 19:39
من فضلك نسرين اريد حل تمرين 1و2ص43 بسرعة ارجوكي لانه وظيفة ومطلوبة ليوم الخميس

ايمــ راجية الجنان ـان
2010-10-07, 16:57
ارجوووووووووووووووووووووووووكم ساعدوني

home work
write a paragraph about this subject
ih you are elected a prisident of a town hall .what are you going to do?
see p 19

2010-10-08, 16:37
أريد حل لتمرين 1 ص 43

2010-10-08, 17:30
السلام عليكم
اريد البحث الاول انجليزية ..............making a profil about lifestyles

2010-10-16, 13:41
ا اختي ارجوكي حل التمرين 1ص43 ارجوكي ارجوكي ارجوكي ارجوكي ارجوكي

2010-10-22, 15:36
حل تمرين ص 50

jeune fille timide
2010-10-22, 21:19
شكرا ولكن اريد حل التمرين3 ص47

2010-10-23, 21:10
اريد حلول تمالرين الانجليزية للثانية ثانوي شعبة علوم ......................رجاءا

2010-10-24, 13:17
أريد طريقة انشاء بحث الاول للانجلزية ل 2 ثانوي شعبة علوم.. باللغة العربية ...أرجوكي الان..أنا أنتظر.....::)

azedine latoui
2010-11-03, 07:16
http://www.forum.educ40.net/images/forum/139.gif جمـيع حلول تمارين كتاب اللغة الانجليزيhttp://www.forum.educ40.net/images/forum/139.gifة

أقدم لكم جمـيع حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي
لمادة اللغة الأجنبية 2 ( اللغة الانجليزية)



2010-11-03, 12:34
تفضلو حلول الكتاب كامل

لم استطع التحميل يا اخي

2010-11-05, 23:12
الروابط لا تعمل يرجى اعادت رفعها من جديد وشكرا :sdf:

نسرين سيهام
2010-11-11, 17:48
حل التمرين صفحة 51

2010-11-11, 19:23
http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/1286/copie2desalam.gif (http://img710.imageshack.us/i/copie2desalam.gif/)
Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us) أريد رابط التحميل

رماد الحب
2010-11-12, 13:10
السلام عليكم اريد جميع حلول الكتاب من فضلك

2010-11-18, 16:38
السلام عليكم
اريد البحث الاول انجليزية ..............making a profil about lifestyles

انا مثل هذه الطالبة ابحث عن هدا البحث منذ مدة واخر اجل لاعطاء البحوث هي 22 من هادا الشهر فمن فضلكم

من قام بهذا البحث

يعطيهولناااااااااااااااااااا وجزاكم الله خيراااااا

بلياسين عبد الجليل
2010-11-19, 06:29
http://www.forum.educ40.net/images/forum/139.gif جمـيع حلول تمارين كتاب اللغة الانجليزيhttp://www.forum.educ40.net/images/forum/139.gifة

أقدم لكم جمـيع حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي
لمادة اللغة الأجنبية 2 ( اللغة الانجليزية)


http://multi.farfosh.com/files/1z6xd7zh/english.rar.html (http://multi.farfosh.com/files/1z6xd7zh/english.rar.html)

شكرا جزيلا لك يعمل 100 بالمئة
للأخت التي لم ترد وضع الحلول كاملة المنتدى وضع لمساعدتنا كلنا فابتعدي عن الأنانية واكسبي أصدقاء لك واكسبي منا دعوات خير
أفضل من أن تحسي بأن الجميع ينتظر مساعدتك

2010-12-11, 21:50
اتمنى حل تمرين ص 50

2010-12-12, 12:55
شكرررررررررااااا اريد حل تمارين 4ص 62

2010-12-13, 12:59
مافهمت واااااااالللللللللللللللوووووووووووووووووووو

نهال الجزائرية
2010-12-13, 18:31
شكراااااااااااااا ختي كي نسحق تمرين ومنفهموش نقولك عليه. بصح نورمالمو ثبتو الموضووووووووع لأنو في غاية لاهمية

2011-01-16, 17:36
بارك الله فيكم على كل المجهودات والمساعدات الي بادرتم بها

فعلا الموضوع يستحق التثبيت لمدى فائدته

2011-01-16, 18:33
ص 88 ديال الرسااااااااااااااااالة

write it up

2011-01-16, 18:36
88 بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييز

_أمل جديد_
2011-01-16, 19:52
سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم

يعطيك الصحة اختي على الرغبة في المساعة
دمت متالقة
وكشنا تحتاج اختي راني هنا

حمامة السلام كوثر
2011-01-16, 21:57
مساء الورد اختي نسرين وشكرا على هذه المساعدة,اعطتنا استاذة الانجليزية عمل والمتمثل في كتابة تجربة علمية وتكون مثل البروتكول التجريبي يعني يكون فيه ادوات المستعملة وطريقة العمل والملاحضة وفي الاخير ملخص التجربة في فقرة انا لا اجيد اللغة الانجليزية جيدا واتمنى ان تلبي طلبي هذا وهو في الصفحة 93 من الكتاب المدرسي ولن انسى فضلك طوال حياتي انا في انتضارك على احر من جمر لاني في حاجة اليه..اختك في الله كوثر:)

2011-01-17, 09:03
جزاك الله خيرا

2011-02-05, 15:31
make a chart of adjectives using the suffixes in the box. illustrate the use of the adjectives in sentences of your own.

« شَيمآءْ »
2011-02-06, 11:45
ارجوككم اريد حلا للصفحة 91 من الكتاب المدرسي للغة الانجليزية في للثانية سانوي الواجب عبرة عن رسالة

2011-03-06, 15:38
:dj_17: انا عضوة جديدة في المنتدى ارجوكم اريد بحث الثالث في الانجليزية,, شكرا

2011-09-20, 17:09
اريد حلول practice صفحة 18/19 ل السنة الثانية شعبة لغات

Nina Esprit
2011-10-02, 20:55
t3ichi hal tamarinat page 18 madabik ykono kame"l mahloulin pliiiiiz ida 9darti halihomli doka psk érgon

2011-10-04, 20:30
11و2صفحة 43بسرعة جدا ارجو ذلك

halla toukar
2011-10-07, 10:54
شكرا جزيلا لك يعمل 100 بالمئة
للأخت التي لم ترد وضع الحلول كاملة المنتدى وضع لمساعدتنا كلنا فابتعدي عن الأنانية واكسبي أصدقاء لك واكسبي منا دعوات خير
أفضل من أن تحسي بأن الجميع ينتظر مساعدتك.
اختي معليش تقولينا كفاش درتي حملتي

2011-10-07, 16:53
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
اولا اشكرك على الساعدة اريد حل
المشروع صفحة 30 من الكتاب المدرسي
بارك الله فيك

الاستاذة ربيعة
2011-10-21, 18:35
ارجوك اريد حل تطبيق 1ص45 ليوم الاحد بليييييز

2011-10-23, 19:44
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته
اريد بعض المعلومات عن هذا البحث بالانجليزية
وفي اقرب وقت
nobel peace prize ( winnes and winning

amina JP
2011-10-30, 11:36
اختي من فضلك اريد حل تمرين صفحة 50 اريده الان ارجوكي في مادة الانجليزية

نسيم الصبا
2011-11-18, 22:01
thnxx :) :)

حنان الحياة
2012-01-08, 18:00
تمرين في النجليزية صفحة50 السنة الثانية ثانوي حول الخطاب

حنان الحياة
2012-01-10, 17:54
شكراا كتير على الموضوع
من فضلكم اريد حل تمرين ص50 وبسرعة

الطالبة المتواضعة
2012-01-23, 17:52
بليز اختي حابة البحث نتاع الانجليزية اللي يتحدث عن ماذا فعلت الجزائر وكيف ستفعل للمحافظة علة الموارد الطبيعية واريده بصيغة الباسيف وفي المستقبل بالفيوتشر
اسفة تعبتك لكن استاذتي تتشرط ياسر
واظن انه صفحة 74 من الكتاب المدرسي نتاع conversation
بليز نحتاجه يوم الخميس ساعديني